I love you (Part two)
I love you
When you say it what do you feel?
So intimate we can be
You saying it back makes me feel so high
Can't we stay in that place of love?
Where nothing is wrong and everything's right
When I write these words I fall deeper in love again with you
I've never been so in love
Never admired someone so much
I just wanna see us grow together and care for one another
I love you
Seeing you smile at me, laugh with me and go out with me
Those are the things that make me so happy to be with you
Be with me too, do new things
Experience real love with me
I love you
(I'm going to make another part of this soon) enjoy.
I love you is something more than just that
To explain love you'd have to have trust
If there's no trust then there's most certainly going to be a hard time loving
Love isn't easy and all those cheesy movies
Love is hard work, even if you're tired
Love is putting them as a priority, sometimes even before yourself
And it's crazy, love can hurt you; leave you guessing and questioning what's to come
Love can forgive, love can resent and sin
But to begin this love everyone seems to want so much, you have to love yourself first
That's the hardest part; to love what you look at in the mirror
To truly see your flaws before another's
And to grow from there
That's something that can not only help you but your soon to be love
You have to believe in yourself
Give yourself a chance to love itself back
And, then I believe love will come easier
That doesn't mean there won't be any problems, no matter what we do there will always be problems
Remember that love doesn't try and change you
It doesn't make you feel alone
It's supposed to make you feel less alone
Like this one person understands everything about you
They know the flaws, you know there's
And yet their still here to care
To grow together is to love truly
Improve yourself, know the worth you have
Love unconditionally because you never know when that love is going to leave
You're losing me
You're losing me soon
I've done too much to you as you've done to me
I'm losing touch with myself
Can't help but think it's all my fault
Don't worry I'll be fine for now but keep in mind that I'll always remember the fights
The days we chose to have no compromise
It's killing me to just see my heart break in front of your face like this
I'm so pissed I feel like I can't get out of this mindset unless you change
I want to stay, believe me I do
But staying is only going to hurt me now
You're just going to have to let me drown
I won't make it easier
I won't believe a word you say
I'm tired of losing to a game that I've already played
Make it easier on us and just trust that I know what's best
I promise I wouldn't put you in a place you wouldn't want to be
Or at least I tried to not have that happen to you
If I ever did make you feel something other than love I'm truly sorry for that pain I caused
I know you're flawed, so am I
But we need to find a solution
Something, quick.. Please
I don't know how much more I can take