You're losing me
You're losing me soon
I've done too much to you as you've done to me
I'm losing touch with myself
Can't help but think it's all my fault
Don't worry I'll be fine for now but keep in mind that I'll always remember the fights
The days we chose to have no compromise
It's killing me to just see my heart break in front of your face like this
I'm so pissed I feel like I can't get out of this mindset unless you change
I want to stay, believe me I do
But staying is only going to hurt me now
You're just going to have to let me drown
I won't make it easier
I won't believe a word you say
I'm tired of losing to a game that I've already played
Make it easier on us and just trust that I know what's best
I promise I wouldn't put you in a place you wouldn't want to be
Or at least I tried to not have that happen to you
If I ever did make you feel something other than love I'm truly sorry for that pain I caused
I know you're flawed, so am I
But we need to find a solution
Something, quick.. Please
I don't know how much more I can take
2018-08-23 06:57:00