Перед собой хочу быть честен
Перед собой хочу быть честен, Приму реальность без прикрас. Я в её жизни неуместен, Словно на клумбе водолаз. Признаюсь я себе к тому же, Хоть не ищу судьбы иной, Я ей по сути так же нужен, Как шуба в августовский зной. И пусть ей имя – Безупречность, Мечты – лишь лёд. Ну и пускай. Из них составлю слово «В Е Ч Н О С Т Ь», Как бестолковый, глупый Кай. Я в клоунском нелепом гриме Ищу цветы среди пластмасс. И повторяю её имя, - Чтоб не забыть в предсмертный час.
2023-02-01 20:03:17
Схожі вірші
Why would you bully? Was that okay? Nobody helped me, Get out of the way. And i didn't cry. And i didn't lie. I just looked at you. With a fake smile. You could love me. You really could. But you didn't. You left me alone. And then i cried. And then i lied. I left my world, Without any love. Someone will need you. Someone will shout. Listen to the scream. Help the people live. ♡ Inspired by "13 reasons why" Netflix series.
I Saw a Dream
I saw a dream, and there were you, And there was coldness in your eyes. I wonder what a kind of true Made you become as cold as ice. And later I looked back to get a sense This empty glance was hellish call of past. It used to be a high and strong defense Against the world, the pain and me at last. You looked at me, and peering in your soul, I felt so lonely, as something vital died. And that is what I fear most of all - That nothing gentle will remain inside. Inside of you. Inside of me as well. And nothing will be said to farewell.