Zombies to dead feelingS
Have I told you yet?
Of how deep you are in there?
In the chambers lit by your presence
In the magic made under your trance?
Let me take you deep inside,
Watch out there as we dive in deep
Embrace the darkness you see here
And make sure to keep me near
Listen to those unrhymed beats,
No longer do they need you to feel
You once broke them in pieces
Now they realised how to beat without you as time ceases
I have closed the door to my heart,
My beloved
You misunderstood me of keeping you in the depths
No longer do I pay heed to you,
Because I have a far more better muse
So here is the chamber dark and clear
Watch out your steps as I lead you there
Who knows,
Maybe the dead remains of the old me,
Will scream at you being a zombie
To your now called brighter days that rests in a queue
2019-08-02 02:22:06