Started writing at 29/10/2019 Ended writing at 01/11/2019 I'd to establish relations with my mum, but the result: DEFEAT, To survive I had to adapt to the environment, I am used to gettin' paid for labor, No need to do me a favor, I cut off customer support links, An' don't regret the choice I threw out the wedding rings, An' don't regret the choice, I stopped talkin' 'bout my personal things, I ain't listen to anyone except the devilish voice, I bought new black jeans, AND THE LAST ONE THREW AWAY, When i was washin' clothes, erased all sins in atoms, I'm only calm when my beast mode is off, aye, I always wash the NORTH FACE, When I get money and joy, I'm Low-Key, I keep all the money in my pocket, I do not like to see empty and raw faces, I'm not shit-eater I've exquisite tastes, I beat those bitches that SPOIL MY NERVES... I'm still so small no one wants to get me a real TATTOO, I found all these girls an' interested 'EM IN BADU, I don't follow 'em, I always know what they DO, I cooked food for the evening, take jam, tasty, see meat, but don’t take, because the expiration date has EXPIRED, After all the crap I am tired, The neighbors ain't understand why I rap and scream all the time, I leave bloody stains, They think I'm crazy, Partly it’s yes, BUT I’M DOING IT ALL FOR THE CLIP... They can't fall asleep because of me, I do somersaults but they threaten to call the police, I absolutely don't pay attention to it, and do what I want, They are completely tired of me, but I don’t care, I'm such a BASTARD, BRAIN FUCKED... HAHA! You thought I'd die like an ordinary person? I pulled out Satan's tongue, he talked too much, He really chatted for a long TIME, I blackmail you bitch just to make you cry, I'll throw you off the ditch and say goodbye, So bored of the bitches who want to die At such an early age, At five hundred pounds I have a large assortment. A bunch of bitches and pounds makes me DIZZY, A bunch of bitches and pounds makes me DIZZY, A bunch of bitches and pounds makes me DIZZY, My head is sick, I cannot see anythin', I did a kill streak and will do them further until someone kills me for these ACTIONS, YEAAHH... Yes, I circle everyone 'round my finger and take all the booty, I think 'bout the next move and eat tootie fruities, I think about every step, but they think I'm crazy anyway, They think I'm making traps for 'em, I love bad ways, I overtook everyone from the beginnin', And became king...
2020-03-13 05:54:12
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2020-03-15 13:23:16
Схожі вірші
Без вагань
Ми летіли в всесвіт без вагань, Залишивши цей світ сам. Без космічних почуттів, Світ в твоїх очах згорів. І я не я, і ти не ти, Ми залишились в самоті...
ENGLISH;I am happy, when the sun shines bright and your smile is genuine.I am sad,when the rain pours down and your eyes flood with tears.I am angry,when you lie and are selfish.I am jelous,when you spend your time with everyone but me.I am excited,when I know I have a day ahead with only you.I am worried,when your promises are slipping away from my reach.I am heartbroken,when you prove to me I will forever be alone.I am scared,when my nightmares turn into a reality.I am lonely,when you walk away for good.I am so damaged,when you break my heart over and over again.. I am tired,when I feel all these emotions at once.I feel so alone,that I'm starting to like it that way.I feel too many emotions,and that's what makes me human.I feel things,and that is something I'm not capable of stopping.I am not going to hide away my emotions,because without them I mean nothing,with out them I am nothing. Lillian *Sorry about errors* RUSSIAN; Фамили счастлив, когда ярко светит солнце и "твоя улыбка искренняя". Мне грустно, когда льет дождь, а твои глаза наполняются слезами. Я злюсь, когда ты лжешь и эгоистичен. Я болею, когда ты проводишь время со всеми, кроме меня. Я взволнован, когда я знаю, что у меня впереди только один день. Я волнуюсь, когда твои обещания ускользают от моей досягаемости. Я с разбитым сердцем, когда ты Докажи мне, что я навсегда останусь один. Мне страшно, когда мои кошмары превращаются в реальность. Я одинок, когда ты уходишь навсегда. Я так поврежден, когда ты разбиваешь мне сердце снова и снова .. Я устал , когда я чувствую все эти эмоции одновременно. Я чувствую себя настолько одиноким, что мне это начинает нравиться. Я чувствую многие эмоции, и это то, что делает меня человеком. Я чувствую вещи, и это то, что я Я не собираюсь прятать свои эмоции, потому что без них я ничего не значу. Лилиан и моя дорогая подруга Фиалка Я скучаю по ультрафиолету LILLIAN xx