An Open Letter To A Friend
How do I tell you, What you mean to me? World is too small, Universe is too small, Everything is too small. But one day,  I'll surely tell you, how much I needed you, when I walked over the fire. I never wanted you to along walk with me, When I was in pain. I never wanted you to bear the grief with me.  All I wanted was that when I completed my journey, You would be the one to worry about the injuries I had. I wanted you to be the person to see if I was fine. I wanted you to be the person who would hold my hand And never let go and take me to every place where,  I could find happiness, with you. I could find the love, from you. I could find the joy, with you. I could find the love, from you. If you ask me for my happiness, I would say, its you. If you ask me for my pain, I would say, its without you. If you ask me for my joy, I would say, its being with you. If you ask me for my life, I would say, It's only and only you. I tried a lot to tell you, in every possible way. But may be I was always wrong. May be everytime, I needed you. May be giving you everything I had was wrong. May be thinking that you were my friend, was wrong.
2018-07-29 15:21:01
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So good one please see my poem Morning or Mourning similarly about grief and hope
2018-07-30 00:45:40
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I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?
Хрест - навхрест
Хрест – навхрест в’яжу пейзаж, від учора і до завтра. Кожен жест моїх вдихань має кривду, має правду. Хрест – навхрест мої думки полотно це поглинає. Еверест мого життя чи екватор? Я не знаю. Хрест – навхрест чи треба так? Сподіваюсь, сподіваюсь.. Кожен текст своєї долі витримати намагаюсь. Хрест – навхрест добро та зло. Поруч, разом, нерозривні. Без божеств та без чортів.. Бо живуть усі на рівні. Хрест – навхрест таке життя. І нічого з цим не зробиш. Кожен жест має свій шлях, злий та добрий, ти як хочеш?