The unexpected change
His eyes
Queen bitch's evil lare
Dracula's wife
Look out mountain
The phone
How it's done
The shadow
The shopping spree
Trip to the beach
Private venue
Slaying the beast
The bachelor pad
The anticipation
Soft and tender
Wine n dine
"The purpose of life is to live a life with purpose"

Mukhetwa sits there froven in time, moot about what to do with what she had just heard. She retrospected on al the moments Chris and her had shared. A tear pricked her eye as she put the phone back where she found it. She looks up to find Chris strutting back to their tables. A smile kissed his lips as his eyes filled with lust, in complete oblivion of her present condition. "Hey, what's up?" his chair didn't make a sound as he sat down. She looks down at her lap as while unwelcomeed tears stream down her face.

Some how she felt a visious thing awoken within her. She looked at him infuriated with an unknown motive. "What's up is that I can smell your disgusting lies from here. How can you sit there so presumtously know full well that your lying through your teeth to the both of us, with no valued reason what so ever!!!!!!" her voice peaked at the end. A young lady turned around but quickly turned back the moment Mukhetwa's death stare met hers

" Mukhetwa pls calm down, let's talk about this, " he pleaded with her. Fear and distress interweaved through his voice, of what she would do next. He reached out to caress her hand but she quickly removed it as if burned. "Don't you dare," she snarled. "Don't talk to me, don't call me, don't text me. You need to focus on your girlfriend," she hissed. He grabbed her before she had the chance to stand up, "I don't need her, I need you let me explain, Mukhetwa please don't do this to me," pain and anxiety radiated off him. " You did this to yourself," she ripped her hand out of his grip, her heels echoed as she made her exit

In Mukhetwa's head
[She is instantly filled with the cold, fresh air and the sour smell of salt and dispair]
Why the hell do i feel this way, we weren't even dating? He implied that he liked me and I actually thought we shared something special, a connection [Everything was starting to spin and balancimg her weight became harder as time passed] I don't know where I am, My freaking phone is dead a d the person I came with I left back there. Im cold, in heel in the mild of nowhere and the only thing to direct me are the shadows.
Out of head

She felt the blood rush from her head, gravity pulling her down and the ground ready to accept her body's impact. She felt herself stop mid-air, her eyes flutter open to find Luka looking down at her admiring her beauty
© blue dawn,
книга «God's faulted star».