The unexpected change
His eyes
Queen bitch's evil lare
Dracula's wife
Look out mountain
The phone
How it's done
The shadow
The shopping spree
Trip to the beach
Private venue
Slaying the beast
The bachelor pad
The anticipation
Soft and tender
Wine n dine
Slaying the beast


Who the hell does Chris think he is ‘leave you in a ditch’ probably got that from a book or something. He doesn’t even deserve to be in this house. He thinks he can just waltz in here after five years of no communication what-so-ever, like nothing happened and those stupid times he would shut me out or just be so vulgar and sour to me. All I wanted was a big brother to look up to, to protect me, someone I could trust, I just want his approval, his love as a brother but this is what I get!

And that chick Mukhetwa is gonna get it today. I swear today will be the death of her social life, I’ll make her wish that her mother kept her legs closed.

Back at Mukhetwa’s house

She rubs her eyes as she sits up in bed then takes her phone to check the time. She flush seeing the two text from Chris:- Sometimes we’ll smile

Sometimes we’ll cry

Whatever we do-

Will be worth while

B’coz us 2 really are one

We’re destined to be till kingdom come

Nyt Mukhetwa 21:32

Chris:-Before you my luv, my life was bleak

I couldn’t smile much less speak

I couldn’t get through each depressing day

Thank goodness you came my way

Good morning Mukhetwa 06:03

Mukhetwa:- Good morning Chris 06:30

************At school*********

Mukhetwa opened the double door just to find that people were still on the Chrisetwa fest, but at least it wasn’t as bad as it was when it all started. Mukhetwa walked down the halls heading for her locker, until she spotted Mia standing right next to it. She was about to turn around when she heard,” Hey!... You!....Mukhetwa! Mukhetwa I’m talking to your ass!” Mia roared racing towards her. “What?!” Mukhetwa turned annoyed by all the commotion she was making but still trying to keep her cool. “Who the hell do you think you are, talking to me the way you did yesterday, huh? Bitch I’m above you, I made you, I own you so I can sure as hell destroy you,” Mia claimed starting to attract a crowd. “Oh I know who you are, I know everything about you,” Mia continued moving closer to her.

“No you don’t,” Mukhetwa’s voice ominous as she closed the remaining gap betwixt them. “You know nothing about me, you DON’T KNOW ANYTHING at all Mia. So you should stop acting like you do, okay!?” Mukhetwa’s pitch slightly rising at the end. “ Now let me tell you who YOU are! You are just a spoilt, egotistical, low self-esteemed, insecure, ungrateful, blind, bitchy brat! With a mouth twice the size of her brain, and it move so freaking fast that you don’t even have time to considered the sh*t coming out of your mouth! Just get a life for God’s sake!” Mukhetwa finished out of breath from the speed of all the words that she mindlessly said. “I already have one darling,” Mia said in denial of the truth and trying to hide her broken ego. “Then get a better on ’cause this one ’s starting to stink, DARLING!” Mukhetwa catches Mia’s wrist mid-air before she could slap her. “Then maybe Luka MIGHT just start to stop tolerating you and start treating you more like a friend ,cause sweety he ain’t into your type,” Mukhetwa walks away from a cherry red Mia at the brink of tears.

Mukhetwa had just slayed the beast.
© blue dawn,
книга «God's faulted star».