The unexpected change
His eyes
Queen bitch's evil lare
Dracula's wife
Look out mountain
The phone
How it's done
The shadow
The shopping spree
Trip to the beach
Private venue
Slaying the beast
The bachelor pad
The anticipation
Soft and tender
Wine n dine
His eyes

"Meet us in front of the café we’re going out tonight P.S. don’t worry about clothes we have something 4, U. Luv Mia.”

Even as every part of her body wailed in retaliation she fought to get up. Every step to the shower shot up her spine straight to her head. she thoughtlessly picked out he clothes but stopped midway when Mia called;-

MUKHETWA; Greetings in the name of the……um…..oh hi Mia

MIA; uhh okay ….. So u coming.

MUKHETWA; Yeah I’m on my way

MIA; Better hurry up, habe we have better things to do, you know

MUKHETWA; Um…. Yeah, no ….I’m sorry it’s just.....


Mukhetwa sighs as she tries to figure out what she’s going to tell her parents. She goes down the stairs; politely greets, then get straight to the point.” Ah, mom, dad you know how hard it’s been for me, these past few days for me to make friends “, she used slightly hoping for a response but only to get a nod. “well some of my new friends invited me to the café down the street, then later we’re going to hang out at their place...” She could hear her heart pounding in her ears, her palms felt as if they were holding back the Nile river, itself and her throat, it was as if the devil himself was choking the life out of her. The silence grew as she waited for the answer that would practically change her whole social life. Her mother hesitantly agreed unsure of the answer she had given her gradually changing teenage daughter. Mukhetwa thanked them, turned on her heels, and was gone with the wind.

As she reached the café she saw the girls with two other boys. She approached them and was instantly informed that food was on its way. ’Hope you haven’t eaten already because that would just be rude,” Mia said with her obnoxious attitude. Mukhetwa shook her head vigorously as she knew that is what they wanted to hear.

“OMG,” Mona scram out of horrification,” What on earth are those things on your feet.” “Huh…. Oh, these are my mom’s moccasins." Mukhetwa explains looking at her own feet with no idea what more to say. “Mona, calm down we’re still gonna change at Mia’s house anyway remember?” Kara said trying to look as if she couldn’t care less.

Mukhetwa had no idea what to do while they waited for the food as everyone was staring down at their screens and since she never saw the use for a phone [till now] other than just calling, she just stood there with only her thoughts to keep her company.

Finally, the silence was broken by one of the boys Brandon [A big-buff guy with a short, curly afro and dark brown eyes] who was Kara’s boyfriend told them that the food was here. The second boy Lufuno[ A tall but not too tall, thin but not too thin, not cute but do-able type of guy] said that they should go help Luka[ the man of the hour, the most popular guy at school, half Italian half black and the most gorgeous thing you have seen on this God-given earth] with the food. [He grew up with Mia]

So they did but you could see something was up with, as Mukhetwa seamlessly starred at Luka. She started from the way he walked, so flawlessly as if he had stolen the rhythm of a calm sea, and since it was a hottish, cool day he decided to wear a tight vest that emphasized all the lines, curves, and edges of his abs. It was the sexiest thing she had laid eyes on and the way his light brown eyes looked as if they had a story to tell, gleaming, reflecting the s. As for his hairstyle, vintage with short dreadlock highlighted at the top with blonde and the way he dressed any girl would drop dead with skinny boyfriend jeans, a longish, tight, white vest covered by a blue denim jacket. All topped off by a black beanie. He had the right charms and swag to sweep Mukhetwa off her feet, little did they know he would do exactly that but Mia wouldn’t make it easy.

Mia snapped Mukhetwa back to reality by clicking her fingertips in her face,” Hello, earth to weirdo can you like stop starring at MYBOYFRIENDbecause he isn’t intoYOUR TYPE, he loves me ain’t that right babyy ”. She says as she snuggles up to him. “Yeah I guess so,” he tried his best not to show how forced his answer was. They finished their food and headed for Mia’s house.

© blue dawn,
книга «God's faulted star».
Queen bitch's evil lare