pain is something's something that runs in human blood...something that keeps you long as you feel pain you're human... for example you're heartbroken ;you cry.. you get cut you feel that pain... you're angry you scream,shout, yell...etc that's what makes you human and have sentiments.. unlike some ppl including me they don't like to show that and some they don't even have em... it's not like we cannot be hurt..yes we get hurt but its the matter of many time you have been hurt.. betrayed.. broken..these small word with big impact on ppl lead to insensitivity.. some of us choose to hide it but others they just throw it... but it doesn't tell that we are not human ..we are deep down somewhere we are but in the surface we are nothing less than a cold bastard seems quite is.. because now if you're emotional you're weak..if you cry you're weak..if you're heartbroken you're dumb to believe in such a stupid thing that doesn't exist...we feel afraid to show our personality in public... afraid to love or be loved..we started to fear our own emotions.. building ourselves on coldness, carelessness, loneliness.. had created something awful.. had made us to wear masks... everyone wears a mask.. No one is really showing the true prsn he is.. if the mask be removed you'll be chocked with the evil some ppl are hiding.. if you compare them to the Monsters that you were told stories abt when you were a kid... you will find out that human are the monsters if they can hide their true personality like that... wht else they are capable of doing other than that... just imagining that freaks me out... yes..I have such a lack of emotions and things,indeed.. but not that cruel.. I haven't been me for a while now...and that sucked.. am wondering how can they be like that all the time... I can't even swallow that can that be possible...aren't they getting tried of that... if that to be said...Monsters are not under your bed..they are just beside you telling you good night...waving at you..chatting with you..sitting with you in class..telling you I love you ..just be careful...even now you don't even know who's that you or the Monster inside you😂😉
2018-07-18 12:59:10
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Ghada Benzekka
@byeee really! Is that scary or something else?😂
2018-07-18 22:35:04
Ghada Benzekka
@Qasim Ali ohh! Thank you❤
2018-07-18 22:35:44
@Ghada Benzekka Practically😂
2018-07-18 22:51:20
Схожі вірші
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