Three is too much
Bloody murder
Hairy situation
I believe you
Hairy situation
Chapter 4

The next morning, Shawn awoke from his dream back into his nightmare.

Hoping what he witnessed,and went through the other night was just a bad dream. He couldn't help but tear up once more.

He noticed the other beds were empty, causing him to climb out of the bed, and cautiously leave the room.

Shawn managed to find his way to the cafeteria, where he was surrounded by other kids, some chatting while others kept to themselves.

He sat at a random table with random kids, while placing his head on his arms.

"He promised, and he destroyed our family and left me there alone" he thought.

" Hey you're that new kid, the one that murdered your parents right? That's pretty bad ass you know?" One of the older kids praised him.

" I didnt do it" he muttered while looking away from the older kid.

" Yeah right, if you're in here that means they have evidence kid" he stated amusingly.

"My brother did it, I was covered In their blood from hugging them" he explained.

" A murderer and a liar, I like you" he said with an amused smile.

"Here you should eat this" he suggested.

Shawn stared at the red fruit in front of him, and grabbed it.

"I didn't do it" he thought as he gazed at the apple solemnly.

A loud whistle was blown, and the kids started leaving after cleaning up their eating areas.

The large man from last night came barging in the cafeteria, and spotted Shawn.

"Hey, you kid!" He shouted in frustration.

" I told you to find me didn't I!" He shouted while back handing him.

" Is this why you killed your parents? They hit you? Or maybe scolded you for being bad!?" He shouted while hitting him again.

" I didn't do it mister, I didn't kill my mom and dad!" He shouted.

"you must've been spoiled, don't raise your voice at adults here!" He shouted in his face.

" You are the trash of the human race, taking innocent lives can never be justified" he whispered into his ear.

The large man pulled Shawn by the hair, and dragged him while he kicked and screamed.

"Let me go, you're hurting me! Cha.." he stopped before he could continue calling out for the person that put him in his current situation.

The large man tossed him into a small room, where it had no windows, and the walls were painted black.

"Psychos like you spend their time in here" he smirked before closing the door.

" They don't believe me, no one will" he cried as he stared at the wall in front of him.

Surrounded by nothingness, the silence ate away at him.

Time passed, he didn't know if days or months went by, they feed him three times a day, but the lack of human interaction and violence he was subjected to scarred him.

His once curly, short hair grew significantly long, unnaturally long.

The large man came into his room, like he did everyday, and tossed his food at him, with laughter and joy he whipped the boy.

"Imagine how your poor parents felt!" He seethed, as he hit him over and over again repeatedly.

Shawn once sweet eyes, were those of a predator. He glared daggers at the large man.

Before he could hit him again, his grown out hair, moved on it's own, simply thought of protecting himself, his hair moved accordingly.

"I didn't kill them!" He screamed in the large man face.

" Hit me again, and I'll do more than block" he threatened him.

© Jun ,
книга «Betrayal».