Three is too much
Bloody murder
Hairy situation
I believe you
Chapter 1

There was a time when his family was extremely happy.

A mother and father that loved him and his brother,  an older brother he loved dearly.

They were like  two peas in a pod.

Where one went the other followed,always looking out for one another.

"Shawn, look at this" he whispered as he found a vial, filled with unknown contents.

" What is it?" He questioned while looking at the red substance.

" I don't know, taste it"  he suggested while handing Shawn the vial.

Shawn took it in his left hand, and gazed down at the weird looking liquid.

"Only if you  drink it too"  he stated.

His older brother stared at the liquid as he took in what his brother said.

"Chase, you have to too..." He stated once again.

" Of course, if you drink it I'll drink it as well" Chase agreed as he patiently waited for his brother to intake the liquid.

Shawn, took the top of the lid off the vial, and cautiously brought it to his face, he sniffed it before quickly drinking the liquid.

It taste nothing like it smelled, it smelled of sweet fruit, but tasted bitter.

He quickly took it from his mouth,and coughed and gagged from what he tasted.

"Gross, your turn" he gagged out while handing him the vial.

" Such a baby, give it to me!"  He snatched the vial and down the rest of it's contents.

"It taste bitter how can you find it tolerable?" He questioned while staring at him.

" It wasn't bitter, it was too sweet for my liking" he informed.

"but not enough to over react, dear brother" he chuckled while throwing the vial away.

" Don't tell mom, the last thing we need is a lecture about drinking unknown liquids of unknown origins" he stated before walking back towards the park.

" Alright chase, but you know I'm bad at lying" Shawn informed him as he followed closely behind him.

"Geez, Shawn you're 10 years old already, lying is apart of our childhood you should learn how to quickly or you'll never survive" he exclaimed.

" Boys!"  Their mother repeatedly shouted as she searched her surroundings.

"Look, chase mom is calling for us"

Chase rolled his eyes, as he pulled Shawn arm and sped up.

"Go calm her down,she's annoying" he pushed him forward.

Shawn rushed to his mother with a big smile on his face, he ignored the other kids, and parents as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Where did you go, I tell you repeatedly to stay close to me" she proclaimed.

" We went exploring!" He shouted excitedly.

" Did you find anything?" She asked curiously.

"We found this red..." Before he could continue his explaination, his brother bumped into him and pushed him out the way.

"Mom, I got this for you" he placed his balled up hand in front of her.

"What is it dear" she asked curiously and excitedly.

Chase opened his hand and several insects squirmed around on his palm.

His mother smacked away his hand, and screamed as she quickly backed away from him in fear.

"Brother you know she hate bugs, why must you torment her" Shawn questioned.

" Why else it's fun" he stated.

The park grew noisy with worry and laughter at her embarrassing display.

"Chase, that was uncalled for, you need to act better before you get grounded for the next two years" she scolded him.

" For a woman that isn't my mother you bark to much, shut up or I'll do something even more drastic" he warned with a deafening low voice.

" Brother please, leave her be" Shawn pleaded.

"Fine fine, I apologize to her, and I apologize to you Shawn" he whispered while patting his head.

" See mom, chase isn't that bad" Shawn smiled warmly as he followed after his brother.

© Jun ,
книга «Betrayal».