Three is too much
Bloody murder
Hairy situation
I believe you
Three is too much
                        Chapter 2

"I have 7 siblings and my parents weren't the best either, I can deal with the pranks of a child, and the Rude remarks he make!" She shouted.

" What I can't deal with is the bad influence he is on Shawn, either he goes or Shawn goes, we don't have enough money to waste on either of them!" she argued.

" They are my kids, before you married me, you said you understood!, I'm a father before I'm your husband" he attempted to reason with her.

"besides I need chase here, he have the knowledge and the capability of running this place when I'm gone, and he's the oldest" he sighed.

" Fine then, get rid of the youngest" she suggested.

" Shawn is the only person that's able to reach that boy, if Shawn is gone he will snap" he stated.

" Shawn looks like their mother, after she died Shawn was the only thing ever able to reach and help him, they're my kids, I can't toss them out like trash!" He shouted in frustration.

" I'm pregnant, we can't afford three kids, one must go" she whispered.

" You're pregnant?" He stared at her astonished.

" This is exciting news, this is great i can send Shawn to the minors, their he can work"

" Love, why not sell him we can use the money" she suggested.

" Right, yes sorry let's see, most workers aren't sold but a how abou..."

" Slave trader"  she cut him off, as she made a last suggestion.

"A slave trader? My son as a slave? Have you lost your mind?" He seethed  with annoyance.

" Yes for your daughter, we need the money and Shawn is just taking up space" she added.

"I'll tell the boys, he'll be with his uncle" he sighed as he slumped back into his chair.

As they relaxed while they continued talking,Chase ran off in anger after he finished easedropping.

Chase walked towards Shawn room, and entered.

"What are you doing?" Chase asked.

"Daydreaming, about when Mom was here with us"

" Chase, we'll always be a family right?, do you promise we'll always be happy here"

" Of course I promise, I'll always keep you safe, from any and everyone" he said in a low whisper.

" You look scary chase, smile a little more" he warned.

" Like this?" He asked while making a funny face.

Shawn laughed while shaking his head, he lift himself up and pulled his cheeks upwards.

"Like this" he said.

They both sat in each other's company laughing, before their step mother came in.

"Bedtime, off too bed you two" she ordered.

"Shawn, if nothing else I'm always on your side" Chase stated before tucking  him into bed.

" Get rest, and sweet dreams" he whispered before leaving his room.

He walked passed his step mother with a glare in his eyes, before going to his room.

As he lay in bed, he started to fill drowsy, as his head ached something fierce, his whole body felt strange,as he tossed and turned.

He climbed out of bed, and made his way out of his room.

Groaning as he walked towards his parents voices, he entered the kitchen where they sat around a brown, round table.

"Chase what are you doing?, What's wrong?" His father asked as he rushed to his side.

"Father, you betray me, for a stranger that has yet to be born" Chase muttered in a low whisper.

" What nonsense do you speak of?"

"I've betrayed no one" he stated as he guided him to a seat.

" Just send him to bed, as the oldest he should be able to take a little pain" his step mother states annoyingly.

" Be quiet, I heard enough out of you!" He shouted.

"It's too late for anger father" chase states as he stands up.

"I'll protect Shawn, I'll be his family as it always should have been!" He yelled in fury.

"Three is too much, my unborn sibling and it's wretched mother do not belong!"

As they all shouted and yelled, trying to get their  point across,  he could feel the pain easing as the thought of her dying in front of him guided him.

Silverware, plates,cups,table,and chairs all floated to the air as they surrounded his parents.

His mother screamed as loud as her voice could carry, his father panicked and tried to reason with him.

All the while, at the entrance Shawn witnessed it all, as the objects hit,bruised,and sliced his mother and father without mercy.

Blood splattered everywhere, as everything dropped to the floor as he finished.

He stared at his younger brother, and gazed down at what he done.

He backed away, into the door and rushed out the house too get as far away as he could.

Shawn ran to his parents body, holding and crying while shaking his father.

Screaming, and pleading for help.

After hours of sitting between both his parents, he picked up the knife that was responsible for cutting them repeatedly, as he looked around he stared at the horror fest his brother created.

© Jun ,
книга «Betrayal».