Three is too much
Bloody murder
Hairy situation
I believe you
Chapter 5

"Come back here, you heathen!" A strange man shouted while chasing after Chase.

Chase ran as fast as he could while laughing, as he stared at the items he held tightly in his hand.

He made sure he stayed in the main view, as he lured him into an alley way.

"Here should be fine" he thought as he swiftly turned around.

" I got you" the man stated crookedly.

"Nope, I got you sir" he stated as he tossed him the object in his hand.

"You're giving me the item you stole from me, suicidal ki..." He started off saying.

Before he could finished his sentence, broken wood, flew his way, Penetrating his stomach.

"Huh, guess it does get easier" he sighed before walking across the limp body.

" What should I buy first?" He questioned as he picked up the gold coins.




Surrounded by the black walls once again, he could feel the hatred towards others spread through his body, the anger that coursed through his veins were unlimited.

His hair continued to grow as time passed, which allowed him to do more than just block attacks.

He can now control every strand of hair connected to his head.

A light caught his attention, causing him to gaze it's way.

"You're free to come out now" a feminine voice stated.

He picked himself up, and walked towards the door.

She wore a caring smile, as she allowed him to walk pass her.

He didn't speak, nor look her way.

He walked straight ahead, his once bright and tearful eyes were, narrowed and dark.

Like an abyss, he swallowed up the positive energy around others and converted it to dark matter.

He sat at an empty table, where the others in the room stared and gawked at him from a safe distance.

The rumors surrounding him, got dark with each day he spent locked up.

The bruises that displayed on his body we're proof enough for them to believe each and every lie that the workers spread.

He sat there, staring at the table- while all eyes seemed to be on him.

Shawn hated the attention he was getting, despite the loneliness he felt being locked up, being stared at with such revolting gazes bothered him just as much.

Just as he was losing his patience, a boy a bit older sat down a tray of food, where he wore a aloof expression.

"You should eat, you'll need your strength" he warned as he walked away.

His eyes gazed at the food, and he slowly started eating.

He ate while, thinking about the boy that gave him the food.

"Why was he so nice? He wants to betray me too?" He pondered while he subconsciously stopped eating.

Shawn cried all the tears he could while being locked up, which made his heart cold, and his defenses toughen up.

He picked up the tray of food, and dumped it in the trash, where a guard waited for him.

"You're being moved to a new room, try to be on your best behavior...with any luck you'll be out soon" the woman muttered while guiding him to a large room.

" This will be your sleeping space, please don't start trouble" she rushed, before quickly leaving out.

The boy from earlier, the boy that gave Shawn a tray of food, sat at the end of a twin size bed with a carving knife and a piece of wood in his hand.

Shawn couldn't help but eyeing him as he worked on his small project.

He took glances at Shawn, he too was also interested, he could never see his face completely,due to his hair being in his face

Shawn got so use to peeking through his hair strands he always forgot they were in his face.

Shawn noticed the boy hide the items in his hands, and gaze at the door, causing him to also look at the door.

A man, a tall man with clean cut and dark skin, wandered into the sleeping quarters, with searching eyes.

He was looking at each individual kid, and inspecting them.

"He'll do" the black man stated while pointing at the boy with the aloof expression.

He let out a sigh, before standing up. He had boredom written all over his face as he followed behind then obediently.

"I'm curious, where are they going?" Shawn wondered.

The first time taking interest in anything since the accident. He wasn't sure if he should follow or not.

"What if he is killed?" He wondered.

Unlike the other kids, Shawn seen the darkness in The institute, most kids think it's to help them and send then off on their Merry way, but he knew the truth.

He stood up, and quietly left the room, while cautiously looking around for them.

He noticed ash like substances, and decided to follow after it.

As the trail ended, and he spotted three officers, and a large man with keys hanging from his pocket he looked around and saw the boy he took an interest in.

He stood in a corner hand cuffed.

Shawn witnessed the exchange of money, and understood perfectly.

"We're merely products to them" he thought as his hair started to wiggle uncontrollably.

The boy looked up, and saw Shawn and his hair down it's little dance, he shook his head no, while  giving a small wink.

Shawn managed to calm down, and waited for the right time, when he realized their talking was over, and they were going their separate ways.

He ran away, and just like before walked cluelessly towards the man as if he couldn't see, he bumped into the large man, and used his hair to swipe the keys.

With his hair holding onto the keys, keeping it from jingling, he used his hand to frantically swing them back and fourth.

"I didn't see you, s-sorry" he mumbled while backing away.

The man smacked Shawn out of his way, making him slam into the wall.

"Ow ow ow" he muttered while rubbing his arm.

© Jun ,
книга «Betrayal».