Table of Contents
Ch. 1 : Positive Thoughts =
Ch.2: Positive Change
Ch.3: Truth
Ch.4: Integrity =
Ch.5: Self-Esteem
Ch.6: Honesty
Ch.7: Forgiveness of Self and Others
Ch.8: Acceptance of Life on Life's Terms
Ch.9: Openmindedness
Ch.10: Willingness to
Ch.11: Change
Ch.12: Work =
Ch.13: Success
Ch.14: Organization
Ch.16: Faith =
Ch.17: Spirituality
Ch.18: Persistence
Ch.19: Consistency
Ch.20: Morality
Ch.21: Compassion =
Ch.22: (Philia) Brotherly Love
Ch.23: (Agape) Unconditional Love
Ch.11: Change
Reason for change?
There are many different froms of change in life. Direct change. Subtle change. Positive change and negative change. Neutral change. Moderate change. Drastic change. Fast and unexpected change. Change overtime and even forced change.
   Growth is the product of change and Change is the result of growth. All change done purposefully must first begin with the will to change. Sometimes when we fill our lives with a great many things there becomes no more room to make a change. So one must will themselves to let go of certain things to create the space necessary for growth and Change. Even though there very may well be an attachment to such things. This is what causes pain, discomfort or hurt that is becoming when change has been applied. Will yourself to loose your attachments and Change will proceed you. Create your desired change so as to assure that that unexpected change does not surprise you and switch your direction.
You are in control of all change if and when you take charge to make a difference before life does it for you.
© Derek Lee,
книга «List of Life's Concepts How to apply them».