Table of Contents
Ch. 1 : Positive Thoughts =
Ch.2: Positive Change
Ch.3: Truth
Ch.4: Integrity =
Ch.5: Self-Esteem
Ch.6: Honesty
Ch.7: Forgiveness of Self and Others
Ch.8: Acceptance of Life on Life's Terms
Ch.9: Openmindedness
Ch.10: Willingness to
Ch.11: Change
Ch.12: Work =
Ch.13: Success
Ch.14: Organization
Ch.16: Faith =
Ch.17: Spirituality
Ch.18: Persistence
Ch.19: Consistency
Ch.20: Morality
Ch.21: Compassion =
Ch.22: (Philia) Brotherly Love
Ch.23: (Agape) Unconditional Love
Ch.5: Self-Esteem
Confidence is the result of a positive Self-Esteem. Most often society has set it's target's on the Self-Esteem of people with a weak willpower to defend themselves or people of whom simply do not know how to defend themselves. Knowing this alone puts you ahead. Build Yourself up! Applying positive thoughts to your Self-Esteem will drastically improve your self image. There is a very good reason that positive thought is first on the list of life's Concepts right next to positive change. Don't let other people build you for you but accept compliments as they come. Allowing another person to build you up in any way also grants them the power to tear you down as well. You are sure to look at yourself in the mirror only to find the corners that have been cut out from who you truly are. Pay attention to yourself. It's not narcissistic it is necessary and important. Know all of your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Turn your strengths into the pillars of your temple and turn your weaknesses into strengths. Your self image is the result of everything that you believe about yourself. Thoughts becomes actions, becomes habits, becomes results. Praise yourself and love yourself. Most importantly accept yourself for only then you create the feeling, energy, and vibration necessary for others to accept you too.
© Derek Lee,
книга «List of Life's Concepts How to apply them».