Table of Contents
Ch. 1 : Positive Thoughts =
Ch.2: Positive Change
Ch.3: Truth
Ch.4: Integrity =
Ch.5: Self-Esteem
Ch.6: Honesty
Ch.7: Forgiveness of Self and Others
Ch.8: Acceptance of Life on Life's Terms
Ch.9: Openmindedness
Ch.10: Willingness to
Ch.11: Change
Ch.12: Work =
Ch.13: Success
Ch.14: Organization
Ch.16: Faith =
Ch.17: Spirituality
Ch.18: Persistence
Ch.19: Consistency
Ch.20: Morality
Ch.21: Compassion =
Ch.22: (Philia) Brotherly Love
Ch.23: (Agape) Unconditional Love
Ch.8: Acceptance of Life on Life's Terms
   Life, as enjoyable and blissful as it can be at times can quite possibly have and quite probably will have many rough patches as well. These rough patches are part of the process that we have previously labeled in the first chapter as The Conditioning. Getting through these rough patches and meeting with the contentment that is on the other side is the same basic method that physical enthusiasts endure when they consciously place weights on their ankles and walk around that way for weeks. Once the weights are removed though the body feels as light as a feather. Allowing every movement to be done with purpose and swiftly graceful ease. The rough patches that are so seemingly impossible to bear right now are making you stronger and giving you refinement in order to prepare you for the full enjoyment that you can experience once you complete your conditioning. For if you were to ignore this conditioning and completely disregard it as nothing other than negative circumstances, when you arrive at the moments meant for enjoyment in your life you may very well not be prepared enough to fully apply yourself or strong enough internally to notice certain things that will in turn lead you back to another rough patch sooner than you wanted. Causing a redundancy of action and consequence that will continue in cycle until you decide to dedicate yourself fully to the acceptance and execution of your conditioning. Certain things in life are beyond our control. A good means of applying Acceptance is by remaining in a natural state of living. Naturally you were born without any material possessions or concepts of it. Naturally you were born with no clothes or attachments to them. Naturally as a child money was a thing of pleasure. Such as the purchase of ice cream on the weekends at grama's house. The behavior of possessiveness or selfishness was only acquired by your observation and bearing witness to it in others. Once you can eradicate and disassociate from such negative implements and return yourself back to your natural state or as close as possible. Acceptance of life on life's terms will be so naturally restored within your life. Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Move forward towards what will be.
© Derek Lee,
книга «List of Life's Concepts How to apply them».
Ch.9: Openmindedness