Table of Contents
Ch. 1 : Positive Thoughts =
Ch.2: Positive Change
Ch.3: Truth
Ch.4: Integrity =
Ch.5: Self-Esteem
Ch.6: Honesty
Ch.7: Forgiveness of Self and Others
Ch.8: Acceptance of Life on Life's Terms
Ch.9: Openmindedness
Ch.10: Willingness to
Ch.11: Change
Ch.12: Work =
Ch.13: Success
Ch.14: Organization
Ch.16: Faith =
Ch.17: Spirituality
Ch.18: Persistence
Ch.19: Consistency
Ch.20: Morality
Ch.21: Compassion =
Ch.22: (Philia) Brotherly Love
Ch.23: (Agape) Unconditional Love
Ch.3: Truth
The acceptance of Truth brings with it serenity. It brings peace of mind. It also brings about pain and sometimes shortcomings depending on the context of Any Given event. The truth is important because it provides clarity. You cannot get to the correct resolves of an issue without seeing the truth in it. To find truth simply live it for yourself and familiarize yourself with it intimately. Then you will know the truth and recognize it when you see it. Familiarize yourself with deception and lies so to teach yourself how to prepare a proper defence against them.
Trust your intuition and guard yourself against deceit and thoughts of insecurity. Have confidence in your truth. The truth will never change. What is true is true and what is not true is a lie and a lie will remain a lie until disproven with truth. The truth is as harsh as it is merciless. However the truth can also be graceful and even a potentially positive asset to have with you at all times.
© Derek Lee,
книга «List of Life's Concepts How to apply them».