Lord Help Us
Oh, that we would take our eyes off ourselves, Lord help us. Our lives became His to be used the day we chose to follow Him. Our lives are no longer about us but our stories are being written for His glory. Our stories are being written so we can testify to the lost about our Savior. Our pain is our story being written so we can come along the broken and be used to minister about hope. Our suffering is our story being written to transform us into the image of Christ. We must lose our life to find it. We must deny ourselves and pick up our cross. We must walk the narrow path to Christ. O, God hide us behind your glory. Use everything in our lives to draw the lost and broken to you. Empty us of ourselves. Rid us of self importance, ego and pride and fill us O, mighty God with humbleness. Fill us with the power of your Spirit. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen and amen.
2023-07-18 02:41:06