Мій ідеальний ранок
Ранок почався від ніжного доторку в шию, У вчорашній війні ми з тобою зіграли в нічию, Але може тоді ти підступно і виграла... Моє серце і душу так легко зі спокою вирвала. Не розплющивши очі, я знайшов теплі губи, Тоді зникли для мене усі біди і люди, Поцілунки гуляли по тілу: зверху й донизу, Швидко і палко відповідали на найтонші капризи. Вино і кохання змішались в нас і повсюди, За момент сплелися дві тіні-приблуди. Я - дурень, безнадійно закоханий в тебе. Хоч і знаю, що не скоро зустріну, проте не Втрачаю надії, і пишу вірші про кохання банальні, Усі інші теми тепер неактуальні.
2019-03-08 05:34:20
Схожі вірші
She holds a mystery in her eyes. She has a secret in her heart. She is as fierce as a lion. She is the Queen of her own world she lives in. She is strong as a tiger. She is brave as a warrior. She fights for all. She has an enthusiastic spirit. She asks questions. But She answers a lot more questions Than she asks. And She leads like a true hero. She is The wind of change or the Mistral that cuts through the clouds and Brings freshness and change all around. She has a charisma of her own. She is beautiful. She has the power to educate everyone around. She dedicates herself to the most. She guides her children to a better path. She has many faces, Vivid hues, Different attitudes towards different people, Many moods. But The storm in her heart rages as powerfully as it had been raging since the beginning. The fire burns inside her with the same intensity throughout. She is a Woman. She is an all-rounder. DEDICATED TO ALL WOMEN OUT THERE. HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY. #TSA2020 #8thMarch #HappyWomensDay #BestDay #Women #Feminist ************************