My loss in Love
I felt you beside me- In that moment I slipped by. You wrapped your arms around me. I could feel your heart beating faster, There was a war inside your soul. Yet-it felt like I was the effect. I could've sworn the sun was brightly shining and spring had just set gently over us. For some reason My mind played an awful trick on me. As I thought it was raining quietly, you were stillfully crying. I saw your face above mine in sadness. There was no sun or spring this day- Yet, you held me up as if we were dancing. And in your weakness, let me fly above you. I felt peaceful and unbreakable. So why did those tears fall? Fall between us? I remembered every second with you like a still frame plastered in front of me. Was it a day or an eternity that we were together?- My mind wouldn't tell me. Did we ever grow old?- I felt an instill trembling about me. Please tell me we didn't part suddenly. Smile as if it didn't just happen, and sing with me our last duet. My love~ Oh, how can this be. Has it finally come? My Loss in Love. I wished it wouldn't come like this. I hope there is a way I can repay you this peace. It still feels unreal to me, Although it's you I see alone below me. For some reason My mind played an awful trick on me, As I thought it was raining quietly. You were stillfully crying. I saw your face above mine in sadness. There was no sun or spring this day- Yet we were dancing and you gently repeated my name. It looked like rain above us, But you just hugged me tightly saying "I Love You". Has it been one hundred already? It seems so long we touched paths. I've known you been beside me, But you still hugged as if we didn't. I guess it finally came ~ My Loss in Love~ [ADE_K.G.]
2018-11-01 06:33:43
Схожі вірші
Дозе с любовью))
Прошу не уходи , Ты луч ,что красит день всех Как тяжело так просто отпустить , Твой свет от шоколад творений Ты весела всегда ,поддержишь если грустно Всем здесь стала важна И в тоже время согреешь теплотою гнусно На аве так няшна с котейками мимишна , С улыбкою ясна й не будет так прывична ! Мне грустно без тебя , хорошая зайчуга !! Я ж буду так скучать за твоими стишками , Что даришь всем сполна С любовью й ораматом тепловой ласки :) Оть доброты твоей Сб стал радостью излучен :) Ведь многим принесла Частичку доброты с улыбочкой уюта лучик 🌹 (( 🍫✨🌹💕)) P.s: Посвященно Дозе с любовью от Морки 💕🍫))) ( Одна и единственная на Сб Шоко-котейка ,что поднимает настроение другим своим позитивным настроением 🍫💕))
Намалюю тобі на обличчі Сонця промені, хмари і гай... Я не зраджую тій своїй звичці І ніколи не зраджу. Це край. Небо синє, бурхливе і темне, Наче очі твої, наче рай. Наче сховище, замок підземний. Наче темний і лячний той край. Намалюю тобі на обличчі, На сторінці клітинку. Портрет... Я не зраджую тій своїй звичці, Знов малюю лиш твій силует.