'Smirk' Its a Thing
As my mind slowly dissipates, My time becomes looped and engrossed in things my body no longer has. I seclude my inner self from the mirrors, Not by fear nor by the enjoyment. I no longer feel and see in which I once did or want to, it's hard to think when everything bombards the passageway inside my head. This snow like feeling was long awaited and made more of a blessing than others will ever realize. I had a peace unlike the waters and no storms were made again. Once the change came to let this snow go, Of course I couldn't follow it yet- but I so badly wanted to keep diving into the foam. I don't care about the outside with a bandaid, it's more so the inside of a laughter that has my attention. The grasping of ones eyes meeting mine energetically calms everything almost like the snow and helps me focus again. I'm thankful for the heads that don't shutter away from mine, so know that when I'm not glancing it isn't out of torture. But more so out of fortune in eachothers souls, the years that I have gathered whilst you've noticed or not and I have fixed them to make up infinite outcomes. Even if you're just one I cross for the blink of one or the blink of many. Time has so become increasingly difficult, blessed, fast and invisible to this moment. But this the outcome I've come to gather once again for the sake of this thing that I no longer call again. Such a sanctioned grey area this thing is. Such a thing it is indeed. Dearly beloved soul of humanity~ `smirk`
2021-01-17 10:11:13
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Enok Mayeny
The real meaning behind you poem is not just word. It like 5:30 minute of video into your inner emotional realm. I called this part realm "untethered realm." 100% authentic expression. You are an artist indeed.
2021-01-19 23:36:20
Схожі вірші
Тарантела (Вибір Редакції)
І ніжний спомин серця оживився В нестримнім танці тіла — тарантели, Коли тебе відносить в зовсім інші Світи буття — яскраві й небуденні. Коли душа вогнями іржавіє, Кричить до тебе екстраординарним Неспинним рухом палкої стихії! Чому стоїш? Хутчіш в танок за нами! Бо тут тебе почують навіть боги, Суворі стержні правди на планеті. Танцюй-співай у дивній насолоді, Бо то є радість в ритмі тарантели!... Твоє ж життя невічне, зголосися? В мовчанні втопиш душу і печалі? Чи може разом з нами наймиліше Відкинеш маску сорому й кайдани? *** Переклад в коментарях 🔽🔽🔽