You couldn't
Verse 1. We've been on the road of love for a long time But then you were able to leave me alone. It hurts me very much. Now expect me to say Hello from your past. If you heard that, then watch out for me, I'm hitting you hard and hard. Verse 2 I'm sure you're still weak in spirit. I've never seen you with another woman, but you deny it. You will always change girls like gloves. In another lie I will not believe, do not ask this to do, I will remain cold to you and to your actions. You shouldn't have done the wrong That came from you. Verse 3 Your actions are ridiculous And don't you dare contradict me. I don't care about you now. You have the option to leave, But you stay here. You missed the chance to leave, so goodbye forever. I'm hitting you with all my strength. So then don't cry That you were left alone to die of boredom. Chorus You couldn't break me, Because I'm stronger and harder than granite. You could break me and you broke your teeth. You couldn't break me my soul is free as a bird. But one thing you were able to do was sign Your own sentence with your word. But you didn't break me, and I'm still alive. As long as I breathe, you will meet your end.
2020-06-02 19:23:48
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Valour And Faith
Great 👏👏💓
2020-06-03 08:42:27
Схожі вірші
Тарантела (Вибір Редакції)
І ніжний спомин серця оживився В нестримнім танці тіла — тарантели, Коли тебе відносить в зовсім інші Світи буття — яскраві й небуденні. Коли душа вогнями іржавіє, Кричить до тебе екстраординарним Неспинним рухом палкої стихії! Чому стоїш? Хутчіш в танок за нами! Бо тут тебе почують навіть боги, Суворі стержні правди на планеті. Танцюй-співай у дивній насолоді, Бо то є радість в ритмі тарантели!... Твоє ж життя невічне, зголосися? В мовчанні втопиш душу і печалі? Чи може разом з нами наймиліше Відкинеш маску сорому й кайдани? *** Переклад в коментарях 🔽🔽🔽