Choose Wisely
There is a hope beyond the sun
Far above the glistening stars
A home of Joy and tranquil peace
Nothing compared to an hour by the beach
A home for those in Faith believing
Upholding their trust till death
In the king and lamb of this place
The Prince and First born from the dead
Jesus Christ the Son God
The creator and redemption of the whole World
Binoculars cannot intrude
Into this Holy place
Telescopes are a waste
Satellites are a foolish option
To relay messages from this orb
A divine kingdom is this place
Spiritually discerned in truth
Ah... Spyware's are ludicrously feeble
In intruding the privacy of this realm
For its existence and buoyancy,
Privacy and glory is supremely upheld
By the Alpha and Omega
The beginning and the end Himself.
The First and Last
The God of All
The Lord Jehovah
The Yahweh and Everlasting God
He is the King of this Kingdom
And His Son, the Prince within it
Calls to All His creations who we are
That His sacrifice we should acknowledge
Believing His Existence,
Believing His preeminence
Believing His Lordship
Believing His Love sacrifice
Believing His eternal preparations for us all
That we may reign forever with Him
Ever to reign alive in glory
Made perfect in His Glorious kingdom
So what shall be your choice today?
To follow after myopic scientist
Whose minds are blinded
By the limitations of a natural world
Deceived by the ephemerals of life
Led solely by the scope of sight
Below the power of the eternal realm
Or would you believe in the God
Who created the scientist and gave him sight
Breathed into his nostrils that he might live
Who inspired him in the creation of All his apparatus
And showed him the best way to use them all
So that man could explore the wonders of God
For it is the Glory of God to conceal a matter
And the honor of men whom He set as kings in earth
To search out this wonders,
Unraveling the Great mysteries of God
So, shall the created say to his creator
“What have you created?”
Or shall the created suddenly declare
“I have no creator”
Or shall you humble yourself
Beneath the mighty hand of God
Acknowledging His supremacy
Subscribing to His omnipotence
And receiving His love
Indeed my dear friend
The Choice is yours
Choose wisely.
Heaven is not a myth, it is Reality, Jesus Christ is not a legend, rather He is The Christ, The Truth and the Son of God.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20, Proverbs 25:2, John 1:1-17, Revelation 1:8 & 21:6-8
2019-03-05 21:09:22