Reality and pre-story
4 years of waiting
The moment for us
The hidden face
Opening reality
Hurtful truth
Changing life
Step by step
New life
New life
Since that moment, I've learned my lessons, started to live a new life, I let him in my life with no fear, we've been friends for 6 years and now ended up a married couple... I'm still learning to love myself, getting rid of insecurities I got because of her, healing through therapy and peace by peace picking myself up but now not alone going through it. I will always wish her the best and remember all the good moments that were before that were real during friendship, and I'm grearful for lessons that she taught me , she broke me but it made me stronger and smarter! So, if you'll ever see it,  thank you for everything! I sincerely wish you all the best, hope one day you'll meet someone that meant to be in your life, and, know that I don't hate or disrespect you, I just think we weren't meant for each other!
© Sophia ,
книга «Silence and love».