Continue to test the tricks with death, wonderin' how she still didn't kill me, She wanted to see me scared, but on the contrary I laugh an' ain't even hide it, I spent my wealth to the fullest, an' I hated the eyes THAT LOOKED AT ME, One night I was tied with chains, I was abducted and doomed to torment and pain, I COULDN'T THINK, I'D A MAD BRAIN, I WAS HELPLESS, I WASN'T FINE, I LOOK STRONG BUT INSIDE I'M DEAD, I WASN'T ALONE, BUT NOW I'M ALONE EVEN IN MY HEAD, I am helpless, I realize it, I'm chained like I'mma sinner John Kramer, I am not brainless, I'm sick, Every day makes me wonder, HOW I HAVE NOT DIED YET... I don't have anyone who could help me, OH, I appreciate those who sincerely fell in LOVE, I saw myself from the past, I tryna be taller than him, Bro, I'm tryna be, not seem, Do you feel the difference between these opposites? The words of others never worried, In reality there's only me and my ego, The reward for all sleepless nights is glory 'n' money, Yeah, With popularity, I stopped feeling lonely... I just appreciate the humanity in people. Do you understand? I don't need dozens of bitches. I don’t need them at all. I need one but faithful and not sick... I'm not a biomass like all the people around. Confirmation of this is the presence of my point of view. If you don’t have it, then YOU'RE JUST A SCREW OF THE SYSTEM... I think through all the steps in advance, I listened to the words that the environment told me, but they ain't make sense, The whole environment forgot their goals, and tied their hands, I'm sure that I have a chance to fulfill my childhood dream, I swallowed every liter of coffee, I continued to drink coffee till I reached my goal, IT WAS WORTH IT, NOW MY SOUL IS CALM, NOW IT IS WARM IN MY SOUL, NOW MY SOUL IS CALM, NOW IT IS WARM IN MY SOUL... I strive to be a person. But because of the environment - it can be too difficult... OH MY DEVIL...
2020-04-23 04:24:36
Схожі вірші
Хай буде так
«And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, "Let it be"» Beatles - Let it be Хай буде так. Прийми своє життя. Прийми негоду, біль і в серці рану. Прийми свою не вічність, як буття. Прийми, що у людей на тебе інші плани. І не кричи, не плач, коли летиш із неба. Земля тверда. Це так. Реальна. Не м'яка. Живи та не шкодуй. Так було треба. Можливо не тобі. Комусь. Чиясь рука. Ти витримав. Стерпів. Усі пройшов дороги. Ти не зламався, ні. Ти просто біг не так. Ти просто падав. Просто вірив богу, І довіряв не тим. Кохав не так. Хай буде так. Прийми, що ти один І залишайся сильним, що б не було далі. Життя лиш мить, в яку стікає плин годин. Лиш зайчик сонячний, ребро медалі. Бо що б не було - ти не вічний, ні. І те що має тут коштовність, там - згорає. Ти помираєш тут. Зникаєш на війні. Та пам'ятай - у смерті щастя аж ніяк немає.
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?