You will not have time to duck, This time you are out of luck, Try to make a block, At the same time, I'LL STICK THROUGH YOUR STOMACH. I remember those black crows, They talked shit to my labor, In which I put my whole heart, The words that fell from their mouths hurt. Their mouths are drooling now, Who's already fooling whom? All the brave guys rule the world, THEY DROWN EVERYONE WHO PULLS THEM DOWN. And you know it is a mo'fuckin' pity, All withdrawn disappear into oblivion, I went through hell but I seem to have lost my heart, Why is everything I tackle tearing me apart? I put all my soul into my biz, I was always serious with closed teeth, I had no trump cards up my sleeve, I was hoping for luck and that is it. I cut your head into slices like a watermelon, It will go through your skin just like fucking butter, fellow, I lost my title of saint long ago, just like the halo, I don't need to be decent and obedient, so I bring chaos. I'm not afraid of death AND I'VE ALREADY MET IT, So why don't I just have fun AND PULL OUT YOUR TEETH LIKE A DENTIST? I'm sure that a judge from heaven WOULD HAVE PASSED MY DEATH SENTENCE, But now I live in the present AND CUT EVERYONE INTO SLICES WITH A MACHETE
2021-03-29 13:13:19
Схожі вірші
Unbreakable heart
Behind your back people are talking Using words that cut you down to size You want to fight back It's building inside you Holding you up Taking you hostage It's worth fighting for They'll try to take your pride Try to take your soul They'll try to take all the control They'll look you in the eyes Fill you full of lies Believe me they're gonna try So when you're feeling crazy And things fall apart Listen to your head Remember who you are You're the one You're the unbreakable heart
"Я буду помнить"
Я буду помнить о тебе , Когда минутой будет гнусно И одиноко грянет в след Дождь смыв порою мои чувства Я буду помнить о тебе , Когда нагрянет новый вечер И ветер заберёт себе Мои увечены надежды . Я буду помнить, тот момент, Когда тебя со мной не стало Оставив только мокрый цент С того ,что в сердце потеряла Я буду помнить твой уход , Да может быть, тогда слезами Теперь совсем под тихий сон Обняв подушку крепко швами .