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Цікаве, Особисте, Потрібна допомога
Всем привет! ☺
У меня появился мой YouTube канал. Если вам не сложно, то поддержите меня своими лайком и подпиской❤
Спасибо огромное!
Цікаве, Думки вголос, Потрібна допомога
Подписывайтесь на мой телеграм-канал, нужна ваша поддержка!
Чем больше будет аудитория, тем качественнее контент
Однокрила птаха
Цікаве, Думки вголос, Особисте
Дистанція - річ важка. Особливо, коли не в'яжуться розмови. Так, є безліч людей, котрим можна написати, проте це не буде "та" розмова, на котру ти очікуєш. Претенденти на таку честь не поцінують твоїх результатів, вони лише будуть "прикидатися", що їм цікаво слухати тебе. Але зараз не про людей і привілеї💕
Карантин подовжується "на невизначений термін". Ми усі знаємо, що це швидко не закінчиться....
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Як багато залежить від...
Цікаве, Думки вголос, Особисте
Як багато залежить від слова "привіт". Лише одне слово, а ти розумієш, що комусь важливий. А головне про тебе пам'ятають🤗
Як багато залежить від дій. Словами можна багато пообіцяти , а дії - підтвердження усіх сподівань🤞🏻
Як багато залежить від одного дзвінка. Нав'язливі думки спростувались,а голос дає надію, що все добре💘
Як багато залежить від погляду. Рідні очі напроти, яким ти можеш довірит...
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Цікаве, Думки вголос, Особисте
Ну що ж, привіт-привіт? Ти завітав у це затишне кафе, повне мучної випічки, кави з великим вмістом жиру та вершків. На тобі яскраві картаті шкарпетки. Хода проста, невимушена. Неначе це малює твій характер: легкий, місцями флегматичний та здебільшого нейтральний. Як у народі кажуть: зустрічаємо по обгортці, проводжаємо по розуму. Волосся темне, коротке. З твого одягу можна сказати, що ти любиш мі...
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Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
We were connected by telephone wire. We were just talking with destiny. I don't know why, but my soul was so warm at that moment. I linked the word by word, sentence by sentence. It turned out into a monologue. And fate was listening to me. She listened to make a deep analysis of my essence. I absolutely was not expected an answer. We were comfortable even to be silent. I understand that my emotio...
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Not Now
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
Hey, buddy🧜🏼
I know what you are reading right now this message. It is very necessary to you, to all of us.
"You know, in the world there are nuclear weapons that can explode at any time and we could all die. And another moment like now - will no more exist"🗣
I have a call for all of you, dear. The Value of the time and creation of the new moments. Yes, sometimes it's not possible. But try to b...
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Familiar eyes
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
Familiar eyes. They are just amazing. You will never forget them. Not to be confused with the others. They have become a part of my life. Just looking into them, into your head and thoughts, I feel like I'm drowning. How many thoughts they can read. The eye are a separate book, page by page, you realize that you`ve experienced people's live now and what he feels. But his eyes. They are like two da...
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Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
All women ever experienced this feeling of "weakness." And It's not that we are tired or unable to pick something up. Weakness is something from which, roughly speaking, lose our minds. And in my observation, I want to draw some conclusions🤔
1.You. You are my weakness. So, this item should be first. Without you the following items simply have no value. And it's true🥰
2. The smell of the perfume....
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Foggy weather
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
Only by opening my eyes, I usually go to the kitchen to look out the windows. Why? To observe the changing weather conditions. Yeah, I'm not mistaken, that STATE. Because depending on the weather and external factors, you are setting yourself up for a certain mood. Today our entire city was covered in the morning with a thick white fog🌫 the impression as if the clouds decided to descend to earth,...
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Scary times
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
Today's the topic will be about how I'm sometimes afraid of something and at the same time hold my breath with delight. This is our abandoned building in the area I live in now😌 Every time I pass it, I always open to something new there. And after the last time - my heart stopped. Passing one of the openings of the Windows, I saw two pairs of eyes. Bright yellow eyes that glowed like lanterns in t...
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18 things till 19 y/o/
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
I am going to be 19 year old person soon.
This is a great time to introduce myself to a mature world 🙃.
It's time for the serious actions and new adventures 😉.
I would like to set myself with 18 tips, which I understood till I will have my 19th birthday.
1. Important and valuable people in life will always be there and always be able to help you in difficult times.
2. Parents and family are y...
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One thing...
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
Recently, I've realized a few things. Very important for today. Namely — that for me love and happiness. Everyone is their concept, but in this situation, I'll try to explain my vision. 💞
For me love was an abstract concept, until I realized what it should be, really. Only one person can turn the whole world around you from head to feet. All that had before no meaning. Because you are reborn ag...
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Just one picture
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
It would seem that just one photo can change the subsequent perception of the world and beauty. It all began in 2016. That time i didn`t realize that I can write poetry or some posts (as I do right now). I was flipping through the pages of our photo album, where it stumbled upon a very old sheets of copper color. As if it drowned in black tea and put to dry in the sun. But no, these sheets were te...
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I love myself
Цікаве, Особисте, Думки вголос
A new day is a new story. I understand that not often I can write posts, but the more you do, the greater the responsibility. And the more often I will write something for my audience...
I was thinking a lot about the concept of "I love myself". Not in such a plan: "Is my teeth are white enough?", "Will I dye my hair again?", "Will I look cool in a selfie?", "Am I dressed well today?" It pisses...
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Краще за добу
Hot Air Oven: A Reliable Tool for Precision Heating
Hot Air Oven: A Reliable Tool for Precision Heating
A hot air oven is an essential lab instrument used for sterilization, drying, and heat treatment applications. It operates by circulating hot air uniformly within an insulated chamber, ensuring a...