Darkness into Light My lord I have Hit the Depth of loneliness that is Withering away Deep inside And the lack of insecurity That I’m Feeling For I cannot seem to find happiness in this weary life Why do I Seem to feel that life is without reason and I Just don’t Have the Strength to Climb those Steps no more? Is there a way out Of this Gloomy tiring way of life that never seems to end? Or do I have the strength to fight another day? For life can be like that lonesome cry that can be heard in the depth of darkness And even though I Have searched for that light Which I cannot seem to find Maybe there’s a reason why life can be Such a Dull and lonely existence that I’ve become so immune to the isolation of this world that I know of nothing else Will I ever find a Way out Of this maze that has me trapped? So lost so alone so afraid Will you please lord Show me The path Which I Must follow So that It will take me out of this depth of darkness And show me the light Of your Heavenly kingdom Madness Madness is, When you Start to lose All creditability In one oneself And you Start to Lose control Of your mind Madness is When you're In a Dark place And you Cannot see The light And you Keep on Searching and searching But all hope Is lost And you Start to Lose the Fight for What dignity You have left Madness is When you Don't know The difference Reality and illusion And you Start losing What you Have in life And you End up Being alone Madness is When you Are in A maze And you Cannot find A way out And even Though you Keep on Searching but All hope Is lost For many years Scientists have Been trying To figure out How the Mind works But we're all Unique in Our own ways And believe me If we Were all The same This world Would be A boring place Never Stop Believing I believe That anything Is possible No matter What you’re Going through And if You believe That it Can happen Then It Will happen for you And no matter How hard it May seem Never look away cause giving up Isn’t the answer And you’ll just Put it off for Another day So never Stop believing In youself And most Of all Never give up Cause who Knows what Might happen If you Believe in it And with A bit Of luck So never Stop believing That dreams Can come true Cause anything Is possible And its only You That can Make it happen If you Really want too Cause I Believe In magic And I also Believe in you Show Me the way " Oh Lord " Who needs people when I Have God Who looks down on me from heaven above He's someone who I can always Turn to in times of despair someone who i know i can always rely on and someone who's always there And even through times of trial and tribulations to which I seem to bear i always find that comfort from the lord Knowing that he's always near So i ask you Lord as your humble servant to guide me on my path And to show me the way Lord that I haven't come across yet Have you ever been in love? Have you Ever truly Felt love Or even Know what It feels like? Have you Ever had those goose bumps Every time You are With them And your Heart starts Racing with excitement Knowing what Love truly feels like Have you Ever felt their heart Every time They embrace you In their arms Sure love Is without A doubt A wonderful feeling And sometimes I do Question it But I do Ask myself Do I Need love To satisfy My needs Or have I lost The essence Of what Love truly Feels like For what Is marriage? Well according To the Catholic Church It’s a Holy sacrament Between two people That unites Them together For the Rest of Their lives So as You both Take the Vow to Love, honor And obey For richer And poorer Till death Do us part Before ever Tying the knot You should Ask yourself This question Are you Willing to Spend eternity together THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE I've traveled this path many a time wondering where it may lead if only I had an answer which would explain the abyss in my life I sometimes wonder why i even bother asking these ghastly quesitons that I may never know the answer to or even try to understand for sometimes i look far into the distance A path which i must lead which seem to be never ending and no answers to be solved For what will come from these mysteries of life? will l ever find a way out or will I forever more be trapped in this depth of darkness My Theoretical Way Of Thinking Sure we tend To search For the Good things In life Such as Love, Success And happiness But sometimes life Can be like A needle In a haystack And we May never Find what We are Searching for Maybe that’s What gives us That eagerness To want it Even more Some times Life can Be unpredictable And we Don’t know What to Expect from it I find This generation Of youth To be So occupied With the Technology of today That I Have to ask Have we Lost the ability To communicate With our Fellow humans? Maybe that’s What we Need is More communication So for The sake Of our children Let’s try And put An end To this Crazy and Bizarre world And show A little more Empathy and compassion Towards each other I’m a Strong believer In teaching Our children To live By peaceful means I’m also A strong advocate In teaching Our children That hostility Is not A solution But a problem Written by Denis Michael O Sullivan © 2018
2018-09-10 12:40:15
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Shakor Ahmed
Too much ;)
2018-09-11 15:55:47
Схожі вірші
Тарантела (Вибір Редакції)
І ніжний спомин серця оживився В нестримнім танці тіла — тарантели, Коли тебе відносить в зовсім інші Світи буття — яскраві й небуденні. Коли душа вогнями іржавіє, Кричить до тебе екстраординарним Неспинним рухом палкої стихії! Чому стоїш? Хутчіш в танок за нами! Бо тут тебе почують навіть боги, Суворі стержні правди на планеті. Танцюй-співай у дивній насолоді, Бо то є радість в ритмі тарантели!... Твоє ж життя невічне, зголосися? В мовчанні втопиш душу і печалі? Чи може разом з нами наймиліше Відкинеш маску сорому й кайдани? *** Переклад в коментарях 🔽🔽🔽
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