Chapter 1 : Friend
Chapter 2 : Partner
Chapter 4 : Little Secret
Chapter 3 : Surprise
Chapter 5 : Disaster
Chapter 6 : Heartbeat
Chapter 7: Shopping
Chapter 8: Surprise Visit
Chapter 9: Meeting
Chapter 10: Heart's Calling
Chapter 11: Hero
Chapter 12: Unfair
Chapter 13: Painful Truth
Chapter 14: I love you
Chapter 15: Memories
Chapter 1 : Friend

At this moment I’m just staring straight at the chalk board with an empty mind about the lesson. I can’t hear my teacher’s voice because my mind is already having an adventure somewhere in Neverland.

Thinking how’s the girl that I saw from 2 nights ago.

As soon as the bell rang to remind us that it is already lunch break every seems so uneasy. I don’t know why? But it feels like they’re staring at me. Maybe because of not wearing my eye glasses today.

I can’t actually see things clearly. I even bump my head to the front gate. I know it seems impossible but trust me. Once you lost your eye glasses without having a 20/20 vision, it will be a disaster.

My classmates started whispering then have a glimpse at my direction. I don’t want to assume things but I’m the only student near the back door.

The whispers continue until one of my classmate tries to go outside with the back door. I know I have no right to do this but I’m really curious. I can’t stop myself if I’m curious. I grab her left arm and start to ask-

“Is there any dirt on my face?”

She looks shock for a moment and can’t keep her eyes look straight at me. I can feel her pulse. Why is she nervous? She even looks at her friends which are smiling by the way I also don’t know why.

“I’m- I’m sorry I need to go” Without any answer she got away with her friends giggling with each other.

—what a mess.

As the whisper continue I tried to distract myself by getting a book inside my bag and started reading. Not a moment later there’s a sudden hand appeared coming from the top of my back, covering the page that I’m reading.

Who it might be? I don’t have any friends at all. As I focused myself to the person in front of me, her whole reminds me of someone I know.

It was her. Catarina Ice.

She slowly puts my eye glasses through mine and in that moment I can see her clearly. Catarina’s white hair, beautiful blue eyes and her breathtaking smile.

“Hi Liam! I’m sorry and thank you about yesterday. Also, you forgot your eye glasses so I decided to return it to you” Said Catarina while giving me her smile.

“It-it’s nothing. Thank you too” thanked I while feeling my cheeks once again getting hot.

For a short moment of time, we both look straight at our eyes without any movement until her classmates called her out.

“Uhm. I need to go now sorry but thank you again” Catarina once again thanked me while giggling in a cute way. But before she completely fade away I asked her something.

“Is there any dirt?”

“Uhmm. No. Why?”

“Nothing. I felt like people staring at me like I have something dirty on my face” I continued.

But Catarina just look straight at me without any smile on her face.

“Maybe it is because you look cute” said Catarina then immediately turn around and left with her friends.

What was that? My long time crush just called me cute. Am I dreaming? I put down my head so that no one can see me blushing. I can feel it. The heat that coming through my veins like I’m about to explode because of happiness. I can feel my lips smiling up like it almost reach my ears.

Today is just my lucky day.

There is a click sound once I unlocked my apartment door. I’m living on my own since the day I turned 18 years old. My parents wanted me to be independent and to face the world on my own.

They gave me this apartment as a gift for my 18th birthday. I actually don’t know of I should be thankful because they gave me or feel sad about it.

Anyway as soon as I open my door, there’s a quiet atmosphere inside my room. My things are still there and nothing is missing. Just the girl I saved last night.

—Where the hell is that girl from last night?

She’s supposedly resting on my bed because surprisingly she’s not. I tried to look somewhere else like the kitchen and even the bathroom but she can’t be found.

I wonder where she went? Until something fell down from above. What the hell? I kneel down for me to look at it.

—Why does my fried chicken fell down from the ceiling?


As I look at the ceiling I saw the girl above the corner of the room like she’s spider-man. I can see her black long hair and red as blood eyes. She’s glaring at me like I’m one of her enemies.

With a moment later she suddenly jump above me. She grabs both of my hand like while hearing her growl like a tiger.

I can even smell her breathe. The smell of fried chicken. Geez. I can’t move my hands because surprisingly she’s actually strong with her skinny body. Later on, I can hear a sniff sound.

Wait? Is she smelling me? Is she by chance eating a human? Oh no. I’m screwed!

“Wh-who a-are yo-you?!” She screamed like she’s having a hard time to speak.

Well I don’t want to brag anything about her. So I told her-

“I’m the owner of this apartment” I answered.

“I sm-smell so-something si-similar to you”


“Yo-you sme-ll like from la-last night”

Last night? She might meaning to say from last two night right? Though I really wanted to tell her but she might kill me if I told her I’m that person. If not, I actually just don’t like giving myself a credit. I feel uncomfortable.

“A fri-friend?” She asked.

“Yes. Ughh. It’s my friends smell” I answered while averting my eyes.

Then after that everything suddenly changed. She stood up and her black hair turns into a gorgeous golden hair even her blood like eyes turn into a gold one.

“Is that so. Sorry” the girl said while holding her left arm like a child. She wasn’t even looking at me. She look straight down.

As I look at her while wearing my oversized white shirt, she’s between a description of a cute and a beautiful girl.

© Secretly Unknown,