Chapter 1 : Friend
Chapter 2 : Partner
Chapter 4 : Little Secret
Chapter 3 : Surprise
Chapter 5 : Disaster
Chapter 6 : Heartbeat
Chapter 7: Shopping
Chapter 8: Surprise Visit
Chapter 9: Meeting
Chapter 10: Heart's Calling
Chapter 11: Hero
Chapter 12: Unfair
Chapter 13: Painful Truth
Chapter 14: I love you
Chapter 15: Memories
Chapter 15: Memories

It's already been a year since the day I lost Tala. I thought time heals but it just made me miss her more. I really don't know what to do after I lost her.

I currently graduated, the moment Tala left me is much fresher than my graduation. Since that day, I don't talk much with other people. I even beat the shit out of Rafael every time he tried pissing me off.

People thought that I changed since the day Tala left which is I truly accept. Nothing is normal anymore after that day.

Now, I'm drinking my coffee outside the rooftop. I decided to move and build my own house. It was quite far than my apartment and my parents but this is the place where I can see the moon much clear.

Every night just like tonight, I always come outside to see how beautiful the moon is.

I miss her so much.

As I took a sip of my coffee there was a sudden buzz sound downstairs. Someone is pressing the door bell. I put down my coffee and started going downstairs.

I slowly opened the door just to see a visitor. My old friend. Catarina. She's wearing a blue dress with blue high heels. She even wore make up that suits her so well. It makes her lips more red and her cheeks blooms like a flower. Catarina's eyes sparkle like a star.

“Good evening” Catarina said then gave me a smile.

“Good evening. Come inside ”I offered.

She eventually went inside and looks around the house. It was her first time coming inside my house.

“It's beautiful” Catarina complemented.

“Thanks” I shortly answered.

“Please. Make yourself feel at home ”I continue then started walking going back the rooftop.

Catarina didn't answer, she just look at me and without me knowing it. She followed me.

“It's cold in here” She said.

I just took a sip again and stared the other building near us. Some of the people inside are having a party, already sleeping and some of them are playing with their kids.

“Hey” Catarina said then uses her shoulder to bump me. I took and glance at her just to know that her face is already close to mine.

“Uhm. I know this is not the right time but I just really curious what's your reason leaving me behind? During our childhood days? ” Catarina asked.

Because of that everything went back. Memories that haunts me before. Memories that used to kill me but now- it's nothing anymore.

“That day. I accidentally killed someone because I'm trying to defend myself. I was trying to save someone. But I end up killing one of them ”I answered

Catarina looks at me with her calm face.

“We won the court though but different news and rumors spreads the town like a virus. And because of that we immediately move, to have a new life. I don't want you to catch my burden. That's why I ended my connections to yours but in the end- “I explained.

“We met each other again?” She continue.

“I'm really sorry about leaving you without saying a word. I'm just trying to protect you. ” I explained.

“It's fine” Catarina answered.

There's a sudden pause. Everything is quiet. Then Catarina broke the silence.

“Liam. I just want to remind you that no matter what, I'm always here for you ”While grabbing my right shoulder.

“And it's okay not to be okay”

And with that. I felt something from my heart. My heart feels warm and I started to feel again. Tears came down through my cheeks. I started crying.

“I miss her so much” I mourn.

“It's okay” Catarina said then gave me a hug.

I can feel her arms around my body. Even Catarina's breath can be felt by my neck. Her shoulder felt so soft.

“There there”

I cried inside her arms. And once again I felt warm and love. I'm really happy that I have her.

As I cry, I felt something warm from my forehead. It's warm and soft in the same time. It was Catarina's lips.

“Liam. Always remember that I'm always here. Ready to love you ”Catarina said then once again hugs me.

The wind was cold yet her arms are warmer. It feels like we're back from the start.

The day we fell in love.

“Shall we start all over again?” Catarina asked.


© Secretly Unknown,