New Year Magic
When street lamps are on already In the afternoon and roads are hidden Under snow with tinsel and confetti Scattered around, when air smells of Frozen fur-needles and mandarins you Can feel cozy and leisurely joy Of the New Year appoaching... These days bring that special warmth Never repeated throughout the year. It comes from the burning candles Аnd wishes of happiness as Well as from a cup of wonderful tea. ______________ Перевод стиха на русский: © (Copyright, 2018) ⓝⓞⓡⓐ
2018-12-29 11:30:06
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Valour And Faith
Nice poem
2020-05-24 17:13:37
@Valour And Faith Thanks a bunch 💛💫🤗
2020-05-27 13:11:02
Valour And Faith
My pleasure bro 😇
2020-05-27 13:24:30
Схожі вірші
Don't know what to do
I wanna making you laugh, I wanna making you smile. Please do not kill this love, I'm only touched you while You was wondering by my warmth. I don't know what to do without you; So many days ago you brought Small hope into my boring life, too. Blue eyes like an immense ocean, Your first words like a dream. I'm fall in love with you more, However reckless it may seem. My little devilish angel With radiant smile, You are my own danger. I will always stay inside Your hot heart. You taught me, that memories Are never die, So for me it isn't very dangerous. You are here, but at a so long distance Of many kilometers in eternity. Your care and worry about me amazed My heart. Next to you is no adversity. I don't know what to do without you, My first and single soulmate. Don't kill this love, don't kill me too... Our love appeared from my hate. It is a turning point now, So what will you choose? Yes, you don't know, how... But we really cannot lose! ____________ And there is nothing more pleasant yet than to feel the love of a person who hates everyone now. Перевод на русский: © (Copyright, 2019) ⓝⓞⓡⓐ
Нарисую солнышко :)
Нарисую тебе яркое солнышко Оно будет светить когда грустно Освещая тёмные комнаты , Одиночества твоего уголка звука... Даже если окажется за окном дождик, Ты не будешь один словно сломлен, Оно будет светить лишь напротив Теплотою уюта мнимой заботы Может это какая то мелачь Или просто светлый рисунок , Но он все ж нарисованный мною Для тебя от приятного чувства ... И лучами жёлтых карандаша линий , Коснусь твоего уголка глазок , Чтобы перестал хмурится криво От нахлынувших эмоцией красок Как подарок пусть станет взаимным , Без излишних слов предисловий Моих крепких объятий визита Нежноты оттенков жёлтого тонна ...