Explain to me please
LIFE AND DEATH, LIFE AND DEATH, DOESN'T DIFFER 'MONG THEMSELVES, I CAN'T HELP, I CAN'T HELP, MY SIGNS OF LIFE ARE JUST MY BREATH A TWISTED DISTORTED AND UNKNOWN FEELING JUST MAKES ME LAUGH, WHAT IS LOVE? WILL SOMEONE ANSWER ME OR NOT? I CAN'T JUST GO, CAN'T JUST RUN AWAY FROM MY OWN THOUGHTS I AM BLIND IN THIS WORLD, My life is not worth anything at all, ASK ME WHY I'M SO DOWN, My knees have been broken since I was born DON'T PITY ME JUST BECAUSE I'M ALONE, I have never felt so alive before, IT DOESN'T MAKE MUCH SENSE TO RUN, The poison's already eating my heart, I'm still alone even when people are around, When I ask for help they don't even turn around, This is 'nother confirmation that I've always been alone, Other scenes were just an illusion, now all delusions are gone... Please explain to me, Why am I not part of humanity? I find it difficult to maintain sanity, 'Cause I see everyone as an enemy I would kill myself out of boredom, The emptiness inside is even worse than sorrow, There is no point in living for tomorrow, The fear of losing my life still makes me nervous, The fear of losing my life still makes me nervous Before aiming the muzzle of the gun at my temple, I've no regrets, so for me you ain't have to light a candle, They say that life is a scenario but for me it's a gamble, I don't exclude the possibility that no one will care 'bout my death, just because I'm not special, I'm just a psychopath who can be killed, I'm just a psychopath who cannot feel, Why am I not part of humanity? I already understood, you may not explain to me I am blind in this world, My life is not worth anything at all, Ask me why i'm so down, My knees have been broken since I was born... It's easy to die but it's hard to live, But I find it really hard to breathe, It leads my heart to bleed, Recently, I've noticed that I've sudden mood swings, You try not to change me, but to break me, You are afraid of me 'cause of the fact That I'm not the same, You don't feel safe, I can see all the fear that you desperately try to hide, It still remains clearly visible to me, no matter how many lies you hide, But I still get offended by the fact that you think I am blind, This is an insult from you towards me, why are you forcibly putting on a smile?
2021-06-25 12:52:17
Схожі вірші
Минає час, минуло й літо, І тільки сум залишився в мені. Не повернутись вже в дитинство, У радості наповнені, чудові дні. Я пам'ятаю, як не переймалась Та навіть не гадала, що таке життя. Просто ляльками забавлялась, І не боялась небуття. Любити весь цей світ хотіла і літати, Та й так щоб суму і не знати. І насолоджувалась всім, що мала. Мене душа моя не переймала. Лиш мріями своїми я блукала, Чарівна музика кругом лунала. І сонечко світило лиш мені, Навіть коли були похмурі дні. І впало сонце за крайнебо, Настала темрява в душі моїй. І лиш зірки - останній вогник, Світили в океані мрій. Тепер блука душа моя лісами, Де вихід заблокований дивами, Які вбивають лиш мене. Я більш не хочу бачити сумне. Як птах над лабіринтом, Що заплутав шлях, літати. И крилами над горизонтом, Що розкинувсь на віки, махати. Та не боятись небуття, Того що новий день чекає. Лиш знову насолоджуватися життям, Яке дитинство моє знає.
If it wasn't for you, I would have fought the wall to the pain. If you weren't mine, I'd die every night from losing blood. If it wasn't for your faith, I'd have given up a long time ago. If it were my will, I would stay with you forever. If you'd gone, I'd have been the old emptiness. You would have taken my heart, and instead of it there was an empty aperture. If it wasn't for you, I'd blazed in forgiveness. Would have burned to ashes, until ground, I would have until the last healing.