Anxiety?? (Song/Poem)
When I'm filled with worry, And my heart begins to beat fast, Everything seems to much, It pushes down on me, Takes away my breath, Seems as if I'm trapped, And that the world is against me, That it's coming for me, But it's not gonna stop me, I'm stronger than it, I can fight through it, It's not gonna stop me from living, Stop me from chasing my dreams, Even if it fills me dread and excitement, Even if it makes me worry, It's scary to feel this way, To think this way, But it's just something I can't not help, It's programmed into me, It's just something I have to live with, Wish that my brain wouldn't, cause this never ending worry, That it wouldn't think of the worse outcomes, But it's not gonna stop me, I'm stronger than it, I can fight through it, It's not gonna stop me from living, Stop me from chasing my dreams, Even if it fills me dread and excitement, Even if it makes me worry, But it's not gonna stop me, It's not going to stop me,
2019-01-06 12:46:35
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2019-01-06 15:24:50
It's more like a song👌
2019-01-06 15:43:19
C A Quinn
@Anthony Ryabusha No it's about not letting panic attacks take over me, not stopping me from living my life or chasing my dreams. It's about me trying to fight through the panic attacks so that they can't control my life completely.
2019-01-06 17:07:03
Схожі вірші
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?
Я впізнаю тебе серед тисячі лиць, І тихенько, крізь світ, побіжу, І нехай вже позаду мільйони столиць, А я в полі тебе обійму. Обійму і заплачу від щастя свого, Мабуть, більшість йому навіть заздрять, А мені вже давно на них все одно, І на те, що вони мені скажуть. Я, мій милий, єдиний, тобою живу, І в повітрі ловлю твої нотки, Я для тебе співаю і стрічку нову, Запишу у своєму блокноті. Ти малюєш мій сон із мільйону казок, У якому такі різні барви! Ти даруєш мені той рожевий бузок, А із ним, мов мереживо, чари. Від обійм, поцілунків твоїх я горю, Мов метелик над вогнищем синім, Боже мій, якби знав, як тебе я люблю, Якби знав, як без тебе я гину.