From Angel to Devil
Why? Why do you keep pretending so much? Stab me and slap me then ask me why I'm bleeding Every time you talk to me, the trees start to rustle The waves in the ocean starts to collide It's like nature is warning me for the bullets you are about to spill There is only poison flowing through your veins every time you try to touch me You say that you are a friend, But when you hug me I can feel the cold metal bruising my wings And then you tell me you will stitch it up, only to rip it apart And then you began to spill the tears Claiming to be the victim Stories of how this devil manipulated you even when you tried to help Isn't that what you want me to be? A devil? And so I did, and I came back With no wings, just a smile and a strong back I thought you would be happy but then Why did the evil smile in your eyes suddenly turn into fear? I guess you realized my eyes became a reflection of yours You thought you had it all, flying high above the clouds I could see you fly but did you have any idea what I was up to on the ground? They say," You reap what you sow" And now you are hiding in your own shadows Because even though I am the devil that is hated You know that you're the one that created.
2020-05-01 16:04:06
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Показати всі коментарі (37)
Girly M
Such an amazing one💯
2020-05-02 15:16:52
@ Girly M Thanks a million my friend😁😁😁😁😁😁
2020-05-02 15:17:34
Girly M
@Mysterious you welcome 😊
2020-05-02 15:19:55
Схожі вірші
Я впізнаю тебе серед тисячі лиць, І тихенько, крізь світ, побіжу, І нехай вже позаду мільйони столиць, А я в полі тебе обійму. Обійму і заплачу від щастя свого, Мабуть, більшість йому навіть заздрять, А мені вже давно на них все одно, І на те, що вони мені скажуть. Я, мій милий, єдиний, тобою живу, І в повітрі ловлю твої нотки, Я для тебе співаю і стрічку нову, Запишу у своєму блокноті. Ти малюєш мій сон із мільйону казок, У якому такі різні барви! Ти даруєш мені той рожевий бузок, А із ним, мов мереживо, чари. Від обійм, поцілунків твоїх я горю, Мов метелик над вогнищем синім, Боже мій, якби знав, як тебе я люблю, Якби знав, як без тебе я гину.
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?