You know I still remember the first day we met You were too shy and reserved to say much at all It’s too funny to think back to that time and look at you now You are the most the extroverted person I have ever meet But we don't talk anymore cz our friendship is hitting a rough patch We’ve been through so much together You came into my life when needed you the most I'll never forget how you never fail to show how much you care I still can't believe that our friendship is about to end Cz of my stupidity And now you hate me want nothing to do with me, it is very hard to accept. I owe you an apology, and this is the right time It wasn't my intention to hurt you I thought by hiding some stupid things I did from you I was protecting you but I was being selfish for making that decision I feel bad cz I never wanted to let you down Let me be honest with you The few months we've not been talking feels like forever I miss you and your stupid jokes I know I messed up And I'll forever pay for my stupidity Wish I could put life in a reverse gear right now And undo every wrong I did Please stop punishing me And forgive me for what I did All I need is another chance I want you to know that I still care And I want to be your annoying soulmate again I won't promise not mess again cz I know Am the shity one in this friendship But I promise to do my best and to consider us Before making stupid decisions
2019-07-12 11:45:48
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Rodney Kanher
Don't worry she will come back if she truly cares about u cause true love always comes back😊
2019-07-12 12:28:31
John Sarah
I hope she will cz am missing her
2019-07-15 09:51:14
Схожі вірші
Приходи (RU-UA)
Черничные пироги, молоко с мёдом. Приходи. Почитаю тебе стихи и раны замажу йодом. Буду исцелять поэтапно все твои трещинки и порезы, даже в твоё заледеневшее сердце, поверь мне, — смело полезу. Повір! Залізу без страху. Без жалю, не боячись. Бо наше розпалене вогнище змушує бути хоч чимось. І тільки не хвилюйся — ми не розчинимось. Ні одне у одному, ні у часі. Мы снова столкнёмся, неспособные противостоять этой связи. Истощенные, но в друг друге, нашедшие дом. Якщо не перше життя, то і не перший том. Не перший різновид мов у моїх віршах. Не найдёшь меня в жизни? Отыщешь во снах. За той дверью, где я нам в пирог добавляю чернику. Приходи. Мне одной без тебя здесь ужасно дико.
Why would you bully? Was that okay? Nobody helped me, Get out of the way. And i didn't cry. And i didn't lie. I just looked at you. With a fake smile. You could love me. You really could. But you didn't. You left me alone. And then i cried. And then i lied. I left my world, Without any love. Someone will need you. Someone will shout. Listen to the scream. Help the people live. ♡ Inspired by "13 reasons why" Netflix series.