Listen, leave those suicidal bitches alone, Let 'em cut through their wrist to the bone, They do not value life and that's their mistake, Pathetic lil' piece of attention is all they want to take, But you better not waste time on 'em they're not worth it, They are not going to die, they're bluffin', They cost nothin', My brains can't digest their love rhetoric, Huh, her boyfriend dumped her? This is not surprising, I would send to the fuck her too, All her mascara is so black and runs down her cheek, Her boyfriend just now found out who she really is, Poser girl, empty and pathetic, Be different, don't be a herd, Be whoever you want, but don't be a nerd*, Find yourself in your soul an' then you'll be with a face in this world, Some turn to dust and some turn to gold, Unless of course you ain't going to spin on a bolt, Get up out of the mud when you fall, Through sweat and mistakes you will reach your goal Nothing and no one should pull you down, For you they should be like ghosts, They say you bullshit so you stayed on with them at the bottom, Do what you want without looking around, When you become happy and successful, everyone will only envy, They will try to put sticks in the wheels of your life, And you'll have to fight back, Consider that those people who are interested in your product are your children, and the work is your wife, You yourself create your future, and the more you put in effort, the greater the chance for a bright path, If you strive you will get everything you want, You must keep your goals and dreams within the framework of sobriety and do not distort, The main thing is to find your niche and don't tear yourself apart *nerd - (here) annoying person.
2020-11-02 10:40:26
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Question 1?/Вопрос 1?
The girl that questions everything,is a girl that needs many answers.She wanders the earth trying to find the person that can answer her many queries.Everthing she writes has a hidden question that makes her heart ache and her head hurt.She spends days writing sad story's that she forgets her sad life.Shes in a painful story that never ends,she's in a story that writes itself.The pages in the book were filled ever so easy,because her heart wrote it for her.She spent her life being afraid,that's what made it so boring.Finding her passion was easy,but fulfilling it was the hardest part of all.Her writing may be boring and sad,but it's what keeps her sane. "She had all the questions in the word,and he had all the answers." Lillian xx
ENGLISH;I am happy, when the sun shines bright and your smile is genuine.I am sad,when the rain pours down and your eyes flood with tears.I am angry,when you lie and are selfish.I am jelous,when you spend your time with everyone but me.I am excited,when I know I have a day ahead with only you.I am worried,when your promises are slipping away from my reach.I am heartbroken,when you prove to me I will forever be alone.I am scared,when my nightmares turn into a reality.I am lonely,when you walk away for good.I am so damaged,when you break my heart over and over again.. I am tired,when I feel all these emotions at once.I feel so alone,that I'm starting to like it that way.I feel too many emotions,and that's what makes me human.I feel things,and that is something I'm not capable of stopping.I am not going to hide away my emotions,because without them I mean nothing,with out them I am nothing. Lillian *Sorry about errors* RUSSIAN; Фамили счастлив, когда ярко светит солнце и "твоя улыбка искренняя". Мне грустно, когда льет дождь, а твои глаза наполняются слезами. Я злюсь, когда ты лжешь и эгоистичен. Я болею, когда ты проводишь время со всеми, кроме меня. Я взволнован, когда я знаю, что у меня впереди только один день. Я волнуюсь, когда твои обещания ускользают от моей досягаемости. Я с разбитым сердцем, когда ты Докажи мне, что я навсегда останусь один. Мне страшно, когда мои кошмары превращаются в реальность. Я одинок, когда ты уходишь навсегда. Я так поврежден, когда ты разбиваешь мне сердце снова и снова .. Я устал , когда я чувствую все эти эмоции одновременно. Я чувствую себя настолько одиноким, что мне это начинает нравиться. Я чувствую многие эмоции, и это то, что делает меня человеком. Я чувствую вещи, и это то, что я Я не собираюсь прятать свои эмоции, потому что без них я ничего не значу. Лилиан и моя дорогая подруга Фиалка Я скучаю по ультрафиолету LILLIAN xx