I grabbed my teeth in the prey and won't let it go, During this time period my bottles are filled with liquor, My target now isn't just meat, but a real steak, I advise you to get out of the way and go on a smoke break Now in my head there's only a goal, You won't lead me, little hoe, You will not sit on my head, All spilled blood is so deep light red, I ain't regret the bloody nights that I spent, I spend money as soon as I get, I was just calm, but in an instant I dyed black, I have a high enough chance for a bright end, HAVE A CUP OF LIQUOR, I WILL HAVE SOME COFFEE, MY MONSTER HAS ALREADY KNOCKED THE DOOR, IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF MY WAY HE'LL DRAG YOU INTO THE COFFIN, DON'T MAKE A MISTAKE, IT REALLY WILL KILL YOU AND YOU KNOW IT, I KNOW YOU STILL HAVE SOMETHING VALUABLE, DO NOT DO WHAT YOU WILL REGRET, I'LL ALWAYS GO FORWARD IN ANY OUTCOME OF EVENTS... SHOW ME YOUR RAGE AND ONLY THEN STAND BY MY SHOULDER, I TURNED THE PAGE OF WAR BETWEEN PITY AND CRUELTY, MY BLOOD GOT COLDER, IF I LOSE A BOTTLE OF GIN, I WILL FIND ANOTHER, A DRUNK BRAIN EGO IS MY ZONE OF COMFORT, ALL THE MEMORIES OF TORTURE AND PAIN GET ME LAUGHER, IT SHOCKED YOU, BUT I DO NOT! I MADE A PROFIT THANKS TO THE BLOOD WORK, MY SOUL HAS LONG BEEN SWALLOWED BY DARKNESS I crossed the line of madness, and was in hell and there went crazy, I destroy rivals like you and crush into chips like acid, You put me sticks in the wheels and it infuriates me, You don't even move forward, you're an infection, I can't stop my excitement, I'm a killing machine, if you want to live, then get out of my way, I work and move forward every night an' day, Non-stop forward without brakes, I ADVISE YOU TO GO ON A SMOKE BREAK I am single-minded and that’s the point...
2020-10-14 05:17:54
Схожі вірші
Я граю лише уві снах...
Я граю лише уві снах, Гітару, мов тебе, обіймаю, І пісня стара на вустах, Що в серці болем лунає. Я граю лише уві снах, Мелодію, давно що забута, І печаль в блакитних очах — Мій жах і муза, мій смуток. Я граю лише для тебе, Хоч знаю, що плід ти уяви, І біль губить нестерпний — Я гину, а пісня лунає... Я граю мелодію ніжну Та бігти хочеться геть, Як чую солодку я пісню: Вона нагадає про смерть... Бо вона серце зворушить І змусить згадати тебе, Ну нащо грати я мушу І палати мертвим вогнем? Поховавши, я присяглася, Що забута гітара — ось так, Бо пісня для тебе лилася... Я граю лише уві снах...
Why would you bully? Was that okay? Nobody helped me, Get out of the way. And i didn't cry. And i didn't lie. I just looked at you. With a fake smile. You could love me. You really could. But you didn't. You left me alone. And then i cried. And then i lied. I left my world, Without any love. Someone will need you. Someone will shout. Listen to the scream. Help the people live. ♡ Inspired by "13 reasons why" Netflix series.