Get Up
Now, I'm sure we all know that sentence: "fall seven times, get up eight" . For a long time i used to hear it. But I never really thought about it. You see, I the type of person that likes the glory, that type of person that has bigger dreams than his reality. And guess what, i always failed to achieve them. And i let go from the first attempt. Yesterday, as i was thinking about my purpose in this life, I read that phrase again. And this time it made so much sense, it was so clear that in order to achieve anything, there must be commitment, there must be sacrifices. And I'm telling you that you should get up right NOW and do what you got to do before it will be too late. Because no one really knows how much time he still has in life. Just think for a moment, that dinner you had tonight, it can be your last meal. That friend of yours that you were too lazy to hang out with because you are locking yourself up in your loneliness cell, it can be the last time you will ever hear from him. Your mother that cares about you, the only one that does truly love you and think about you 24/7, she can go at any moment. Live the life to the fullest, that is the first thing you got to do. I know you want that peefect job that get everyone to respect you, but when you really think about the hard work and the effort you have to put in.. You just give up. You also want that relationship that you watch in fairytales, you want that partner that helds you tight and never let you go. But again, you're not willing to give it the righr amount of trust and love that deserves because you are scared of getting hurt. You want that best friend that got your back, but you don't give the sacrifices it takes to have a true friendship.. If you're happy with yourself right now, i'm happy for you too, you can go back to sleep on your comfortable pillow and procrastinate more. But one thing my dear, that happiness you feel now is not going to last. You haven't existed for a million years ago and you will die sooner or later and be buried under the ground for a long long time. So are you ready to live ?? Or surviving is just what you want? And to encourage you, i'm really glad that you read all that, i didn't think you would make it to this point. Make today a new beginning, of a life full of love,joy and success. ~PurpY 💜~
2018-09-15 00:10:17
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Ruqayyah Jkh
Inspiring truth...😍
2018-09-15 12:14:21
Purple_بنفسجي ( PurpY <3 )
@Ruqayyah Jkh thank you hope you will use it wisely 🙆💜💜
2018-09-15 17:52:22
Схожі вірші
Разве сложно сказать...
Много думать слов не хватит Лишь о ком то , кто не рядом Быть со всеми лишь открыткой , Согревая теплым взглядом Каждый день встречая солнце Словно первый луч спасенья Думаешь о всех моментах , Что всплывают вместе светом ... Или множество вопросов На каких нет не единого ответа , К тем , кто был однажды нужен, Став одним твоим мгновеньем Почему ж сейчас нам сложно .. Сказать искренне о чувствах , Как страдать мы все умеем ,, А признать ,что правда любим ? Может быть просто забыли .... Или стали явью сцен сомнений ? Разве сложно хоть глазами Сказать больше ,чем таить в себе ли... Надо больше лишь бояться , Не успеть сказать о главном ... На взаимность зря стараться Ждать когда уйдет шанс бремям ...
Печаль прячется в словах
Полны отчаяния слова Достигли й душат вдруг меня Не знаю дальше как мне быть И стоит ли их отпустить Всю грусть ,что прячется внутри Пусть заберёт с собою дни А шоколад утешет впредь Всё горести уйдут под дверь Но чувства ,что живут внутри Не скроешь с время позади Ведь вырвуться с оков груди Их не сдержать нечем увы ... Как не было мне тяжело Я не смогу забить их льдов И холод тот , что тронул весь Согреть не сможет даже лесть...