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Come Home To My Heart
Різне, Цитати, Особисте
[an excerpt from what i've been working on for the past months.]
Memories are either worth-remembering or not; they can be too surreal or too painful to keep.
Our experiences are sometimes clouded by our emotions and as the time passes by, the feeling remains to us, thus, the memory of what we felt that day remains.
"You know I can barely remember something..that day. But...
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i listened to various artists for the past two years. some of them luckily stayed in my mind for weeks–i even made some playlists. but most of them just passed and faded through time like how i pressed play and next to my old boring playlists. last night, i had a major breakdown. after i cried, i opened my spotify and there, i scrolled and scrolled. finding through old playlists and albums i've l...
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the point of no return
i've always known that at some point, i might end up here. and here i am, sitting in a darkened room; sleep deprived and wanting to tell a story.
it was just a mere imagination to get away from that city. from that place. from those people. those days that i was so engrossed to the idea of leaving and wanting to give up, i realized that there might be another way. and yes, acads was the best rea...
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Новини, Особисте
hello, people.
i guess, i'm back. im in college right now and i've never been so frustrated in my life. i think i might hang out here, read other people's works and maybe, post something new for myself.
it's really good to back.
Краще за добу
Соломія — героїня книги 'Вербова брама: Посередниця між світами': між обов’язком і власним щастям.
Уявіть героїню, яка одночасно стоїть на межі двох світів — людського і магічного. Вона не просто дівчина, а берегиня, остання в своєму роду, чия місія — захищати баланс і зберігати таємниці свого села. Це Соломія — центральний персонаж книги "Вербова...
Сьогодні обговорюють
"Это точно никому не нужно?" Или "Как раскритиковать самого себя")
Ну что же, вот я наконец-то и выпустил НОВУЮ книгу "Неделя Пикля"!
Год ожидания как никак... много)
Эта книга далась мне не то чтобы сложно, но я тысячу раз задумался о том, как её примут. Проблема в том, что сама книга имеет, не буду скрывать...