I'm not going to change, I got used to the pain, People still end their lives, Without realizin' their price, My heart's stabbed with knives, But I still hold the shards, Hmm, should I roll the dice? Wonderin' if I will lose my heart Every day thousands of people jump from rooftops, Are you still unhappy with your life? I heard from close people that I'm a bad person and you know, I was starting to get used to reproaches, but I couldn't stand it over time, I've stood in front of the cliffs many times, But I found the strength not to end my life, Yes I am cruel and yes I am weak, When I'm alone and everyone's against me, Alter ego became the key, Now I just put on masks and from time to time change 'em Bend under people while their ego grows, This is only the beginnin', they will make you clean their crown, I showed 'em evil, they don't look down on me anymore, I've lost my feelings, I DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD LOVE, AHHH... YEAHHH... I'm not going to change, I got used to the pain, People still end their lives, Without realizin' their price, My heart's stabbed with knives, But I still hold the shards, Hmm, should I roll the dice? Wonderin' if I will lose my heart...
2021-07-19 08:17:23
Схожі вірші
Why would you bully? Was that okay? Nobody helped me, Get out of the way. And i didn't cry. And i didn't lie. I just looked at you. With a fake smile. You could love me. You really could. But you didn't. You left me alone. And then i cried. And then i lied. I left my world, Without any love. Someone will need you. Someone will shout. Listen to the scream. Help the people live. ♡ Inspired by "13 reasons why" Netflix series.
"Письмо ушедших дней"
Привет , мой милый друг Забыл ли ты, как долго не писала , Прости ,но я хотела отпустить Всю слабостью ,что в себе искала . И может ты проник Моим письмом до дрожи Забыл ли мой дневник , Увиденный стихами одинокой ночи ... Об памяти прошедших дней , Ты не увидишь ни души порока Лишь слабый шепот чувств Уложенных строками тонко . Немой вопрос в глазах Оставлю с времям на последок Легонько холодом касаний уходя , Чтоб не запомнил запах пепла.