Prologue (Part 1)
Prologue (Part 2)
Prologue (Part 3)
The Girl Downstairs
Homely Feel
Wraith Begins
Duty Calls
Truth Hurts Sometimes
Don't Be Late!
Meeting With The Mob
Wraith To The Rescue
Errands Of A Superhero
The Big Day
Our Time Together
Friendly Competition?
A Hero's Secret 
Returning The Favor
Lousy Morning
Chasing A Lead
Superhero Undercover
Feelings Are Complicated
Love Is A Wonderful Thing
Interlude: The Queen Of A Colorless World
The Calm Before The Storm
The Beggining Of The End
Interlude: Payback
The Final Showdown
Prologue (Part 3)
In the silence in which you could hear a pin drop Aaron finally shook his head and broke the silence. "Pardon?" He voiced with probably the most perplexed expression he's ever worn by now. On the other hand, Steinn can only laugh hysterically with all his heart at the blood vial he's holding. "That's it I'm getting out of here." The young man bluntly states as he makes for the door. "No you're not." The scientist who's no longer laughing announces as he pushes a button on a remote and the door makes a clicking sound. "Are you for real?" Aaron asks, completely fed up. "Sit down, we need to talk buddy." Steinn announces once again while the teenager complies with a shrug. "Ahemm" The grown man clears his throat as he brings a white board in front of him and takes a marker out of his back pant pocket. How did he sit down earlier? 
"Okayyy. So Albert was it?"
"It's Aaron!"
"I know, I know I'm just joking! We know all about you Aaron Becket." Steinn says with a serious face while the teenager audibly gulps. "Birthday: 25th Of May, Blood Type: O+, Age 16 currently awaiting to attend the second year of High School. Zodiac sign: Gemini, Ruling Planet: Mercury. You were rejected by a girl named Kate at the age of 9 and couldn't get over it up until-" "Hey hey how the hell do you know all that you creepy old stalker?!" Aaron cries out in utter disbelief. "If we want to learn something about someone here in B.L.U., rest assured that we will." Steinn explains as he draws a big building resembling the one at the center of Queens, on the whiteboard. "WalCorp?" The young man inquires. "Exactly now be a good boy and listen. Approximately a week ago there was this Biiig explosion that caused all sorts of pain and anguish to this city..." The grown man explains as he draws a mushroom explosion. "The cause? An experiment gone wrong. The result? Radiation." He continues to explain before making a pause. "Fortunately for the citizens of Queens the very same company has invented cutting edge technology in which the radiation can be sucked inside like in a vacuum cleaner. But you might be wondering, what's the catch, Dr. Steinn?" He rhetorically asks. "Yeah, what's the catch Dr. Steinn?" Aaron imitates him quite ironically. "The catch is none other than the one you might have already guessed. What happens to those already affected by the radiation? If you thought about that then ding ding you're correct! The ones already affected by the radiation are either dead, for those that came into direct and strong contact with it, and mutation and other problems for those that came into mild contact with it."   He explains as Aaron widens his eyes. "So we got a city with mutated people in it running rampart at the moment with the government trying to sweep it under the rug with the phrase "Radiation is being taken care of!"" Steinn theatrically explains. "So there are people who have abnormally mutated and are free to do as they please around the city while the government doesn't bother to address the issue?" Aaron inquires while the scientist across from him draws a tick on the whiteboard. "Exactly. And that's where you my lovely creation come in." The grown man announces and Aaron narrows his eyes suspiciously. "Now let's talk about you. You were on your way home while being left unconscious by the explosion. You didn't come into any contact with the radiation but due to certain circumstances you were fatally wounded. We found you and every other wounded and as every civil organisation would, took you in for treatment. But after surgery and waiting a couple hours we were convinced you weren't gonna make it." Steinn pauses as he takes on a serious look. "Wait what? Then why am I here? Don't tell me I'm in the afterlife!?" Aaron exclaims while faking a gasp. "No but you were close trust me." He says that and Aaron sits back down on his seat, even more intrigued.
"After consulting with every scientist involved we decided to use our latest creation on you. The Steel Serum."
"The Steel what?"
"The Steel Serum."
"I still don't get it but okay..."
"Now listen, that serum has the power to regenerate dead cells within your body and basically bring you back from death. When we used it on you, you were basically gone for a couple minutes. You... were dead." Steinn explains as Aaron looks completely dumbfounded. "I was dead and I got revived... And what about the "you're not human" part?" The young man asks genuinely curious. "The Steel Serum has not only the power to revive the shortly departed but also to give superhuman attributes. As a result you have 20 times the muscle output you once had, you're 10 times faster and your reflexes are basically through the roof." Steinn explains as he points Aaron to a mirror nearby. "So basically I'm a frickin super hero now?!!!" The young man instinctively shouts at the top of his lungs. "Yeah yeah now move tiger..." Steinn keeps pointing at the mirror as he shakes his head. Aaron does as he's told as he hops from one foot to another like a happy little kid. "Take off your shirt." The scientist orders him and Aaron instinctively takes a step back. "Woah there buddy I know you saved my life and all that but chill..." Aaron explains while forming an X with his arms. "I'm not gonna do anything weird you idiot just take it off!" He commands and Aaron complies after an audible gulp.
"Woah wait I'm ripped!!" He shouts as he traces his abdomen with his palm.
"Yeah just a counter effect of the elixir. You can't be super strong and fast while looking like a bum."
"Hey for your information I wasn't a bum! I'm quite athletic thank you very much!"
"Yeah but you were never THIS... Hey quit flexing in my mirror!" The scientist exclaims while smacking him upside the head. "Now I want you to close your eyes and concentrate while thinking about hitting someone with all your might..." He continues while Aaron does as he's instructed.
"Can that someone be you Doc?"
"Don't you dare."
"Okay sorry."
Breath in, breath out.
breath in, breath out.
Suddenly as Aaron concentrated on the act Steinn instructed him to, he started feeling ice on his veins and his skin gradually turned colder. As he opened his eyes all he could do was widen his eyes on what laid before him. His skin had turned pale like a vampire's, his eyes had lost all of their green color and his hair were as white as snow. "What the hell...?" He muttered as Steinn celebrated in joy. "Yes! You're a natural kid!" He exclaimed. "What is this!?" Now it was Aaron's turn to exclaim. "This is your form! When you're like this you're at 100%! That's how you're gonna do all the work!" "Which work? You never told me about my part in all this, although I can guess, and why do I look like a corpse all of a sudden?" A sexy corpse that is... Okay that sounded weird... He thought to himself while looking at the mirror once again. "The serum works at its best when your body is at the state in which it was first administrated to you. While it keeps you from dying, it lowers your heartbeat, which at the time is close to non-existent, and turns your body to an almost death state. Hence the whiteness of your hair, eyes and skin. But fear not, neither will you die, nor will you be weak. You're at you're most strongest when you're like this. That's the state you'll be in when you'll be fighting all the mutants wreaking havoc in Queens and capturing them!" Steinn explains while Aaron's mouth falls agape in shock. "Wait what? I'm gonna fight the crazy mutants running around the city?!" The teenager exclaims.
"Exactly, that's the reason you're here right now. That's the reason you've been administrated the Steel Serum."
"Wait I have a ton of questions!"
"Shoot away kiddo..."
"First of all why me?"
"We tried other candidates before such as dying elderly and kids that were beyond saving but they weren't apt for the task. Their bodies were not strong enough. But a healthy and young teenage body like yours seemed like the perfect match. And since you were dying we thought that we might as well..."
"You might as well...? Didn't you say after consultation between scientists just a few minutes ago...?"
"What difference does it make? You're here, and you've got superhuman abilities to boot."
"Okay next question. How do I know that my powers won't activate when I don't want them to?"
"We'll just hope so."
"Experiments have shown that it's will-powered. As long as you don't wish for it to activate, then it won't. But it's all just trial and error in the end so we're counting on your results."
"You have to be fucking kidding me..."
"Is that all? Any other questions?"
"Not as of now, no."
"So much for A TON OF QUESTIONS. Agent Rodriguez, you can come in." Steinn replies and soon after unlocks the door with his remote while a tall, and tanned man wearing a suit and a strong massive build enters the room. He has his hair cut short in a buzz cut and wears sunglasses, even indoors. "Why does he look every bit like I imagined?" A comment escapes Aaron's lips as the tall man turns to him. The teenager quickly covers his mouth and looks away suspiciously. "That's him?" The agent asks and the scientist nods with a grin. "Yes that's our soldier." He replies with the same expression. "Wait, your what?" Aaron inquires. "Okay listen here young soldier." Agent Rodriguez takes off his sunglasses revealing a sharp pair of eyes and speaks up as he takes a step closer to him while Aaron gulps for the umpteenth time today. "You should forget the life you knew. For the next 2 months, before the radiation is clear and you can begin your duties, you'll be living here and training under me. You'll be learning a number of martial arts as well strengthening your body power by hardcore gymnastics. In 2 months time you'll be a full fledged soldier ready to take on anything. We begin tomorrow, on the top floor. Dismissed." The man speaks in the heaviest voice Aaron has probably ever heard before heading out the door in which he entered. "Huh?" Is all Aaron can utter as he stares at Steinn who's wearing an entertained expression. "Surely you didn't think we'd just throw you out there without any training whatsoever right? Time may not be on our side but slow and steady wins the race. The man you just met works for the US's top secret organization, Nemesis. They were the ones that approached us from the start and funded the Steel Serum. Turns out that this whole radiation breakout is the best fit to test it out. They're not really sure about mass producing the serum but for now, you're the only test subject. So your mission is to stop every mutant and capture them. Easy, right? Oh I also forgot to tell you that if as much as 3 people happen to find out your secret or you compromise Nemesis, you'll be a lab rat for life." He casually voices the most critical piece of information. "WHAAAT?!" Aaron exclaims loudly. " Oh and also, in addition to all this training, we'll also be testing your power limits, the gadgets I'll be making to help you, and you'll be also studying chemistry, math and science while you're here. We have already contacted your only relative, your sister, to let her know that you're okay and have convinced her, you don't need any visitors. For the next 2 months you won't have any contact with the outside world except some phone calls with her. By the time the high school you'll be attending reopens and the radiation quarantine issued by the government is officially over, you'll be a whole new person, kid. Glad to be working with you." The scientist explains all that with a grin as he stretches his hand out to the young man, for what appears to be a handshake. He on the other hand, can only stare in complete and utter shock. Are you for real? Well I guess the super hero's way isn't an easy one... right?

My name is Aaron Becket, an orphaned 16 year old teenager that lives alone in New York City, Queens. My only sister works in another state trying to keep me and her fed and not to brag but she's doing a really good job. The income's good and we have no problem getting by. It's already been 5 years since we lost our parents and I thought that this summer would be just like any other, but turns out I was dead wrong... That was how my whole life took a crazy turn... For better or for worse I don't know yet... But I'll try my best. I'm still a teenager though, right?

© Nikos PD,
книга «Wraith».