[Started writing at 05/11/2019] [Ended writing at 08/11/2019] I scratched my whole face so that no one would bother me, I'm movin' more an' more away from my parents, and they know less and less of me, I see classmates, they know lil' about me, and 'cuz of this they're afraid of me, I feel better when I'm with my friends THAN MY PARENTS, See a terrible dream every night, I like to livin' in hatred and soaking it, I'm not going to wean, My mask that hides my face is dressed tight, I don't have to bring you anythin', I'm not a hypocrite who constantly LIES, HAH, You talk so much, do you wanna bite your tongue? Don't call me anymore, I'll put the phone to SILENT MODE, I blocked the bitch who called me many times, So that she doesn't know my address, I burned my house with fire, After these adventures I AM TIRED, PIERCE ME THROUGH THE SPIRE, Kill me at night while I'm sleepin', Everythin' will be alright, you give me rest and peace, I won't REGRET, Oh, yeah, This life is like a cycle, I live life and die from psychosis, There's no bullet to shoot MYSELF... THERE'S NO POINT IN SNIPER SCOPE, I don't care what you hope for, I don't care what you put your money in, You're not attractive to me, bitch, what were you hoping for? I ain't know what fairy tales do you still believe, I'm tired of repeating what I take outside at midnight, You'd die seein' me, but escaped with a slight fright, You'd the right to die, But you chose the path of sufferin', I don't say my thoughts out loud, They don’t even know what I'm puttin' my money into, I do not see anythin', in my body there is no soul, See money and want 'em all, Do you wan' rip out my heart? Then subdue him, Do you know where the cleaver is, TEAR IT OUT OF ME... I will not regret it, uh, Wan' know at what boilin' point my brain is? Uh, Conquer my heart and you can know some things 'bout ME... Haha, KILL ME NOW... I'LL BREAK YOUR HEAD ENDLESSLY 'TIL I KNOCK ALL THE NONSENSE OUT OF HER, ТЫ ПРИТВОРЯЕШЬСЯ ЧТО СИЛЬНЫЙ ДУХОМ, НО В РЕАЛЬНОСТИ ТЫ ПРОСТАЯ НИКОМУ НЕ НУЖНАЯ ПУСТЫШКА, BLEGH, ПРЯЧЕШЬСЯ ОТ МОИХ ГЛАЗ ДУМАЯ ЧТО ВЫЖИВЕШЬ КАК МЫШКА, У ТЕБЯ СКОРО БУДЕТ КОНЕЦ ЖИЗНИ, ТЫ ПОЧУВСТВУЕШЬ ВСЮ БОЛЬ И ПУСТОТУ В ДУШЕ, И ДАЛЬШЕ ВСПЫШКА, И ТЫ В АДУ, НЕНАВИСТЬ И ЖАЛОСТЬ С САДИСТСКИМИ, НОТКАМИ, ТЕ КТО БУДУТ ТЕБЯ ОКРУЖАТЬ В АДУ, БУДУТ МОИ ДЕМОНЫ С ТВОИМИ СУКАМИ, Я БУДУ ЛАКОМИТСЯ ТВОИМИ ЖЕ СТРАДАНИЯМИ, И ЗАКУСЫВАТЬ ИХ ТВОИМИ ЧЁРТОВЫМИ ПОЧКАМИ... I have long wanted to tell the devil that I wanna sell my soul for strength, I fell in love with loneliness, and still this is my element, You've too much ruthlessness, you've to pay me money, I focus on hatred of all living things, If you're a naughty bitch, then you fall to your knees, Call me savage or beast, I DON'T CARE ANYWAY, I did not regret the shit that I DID, OH YEAH, I find it difficult to communicate with people due to a split PERSONALITY, I no longer distinguish hallucinations from reality, Don't come near me, I've to be isolated, I'm A LITTLE SICK... MAKE ME ENEMY NUMBER ONE, With such a system, the whole world will BECOME YOUR ENEMY, I know that I'm nobody for you and all my words are for you like an empty bell... Make me enemy number one, With such a system, the whole world will become your enemy...
2020-03-13 06:00:15
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2020-03-15 13:17:13
Схожі вірші
"Я буду помнить"
Я буду помнить о тебе , Когда минутой будет гнусно И одиноко грянет в след Дождь смыв порою мои чувства Я буду помнить о тебе , Когда нагрянет новый вечер И ветер заберёт себе Мои увечены надежды . Я буду помнить, тот момент, Когда тебя со мной не стало Оставив только мокрый цент С того ,что в сердце потеряла Я буду помнить твой уход , Да может быть, тогда слезами Теперь совсем под тихий сон Обняв подушку крепко швами .
Why would you bully? Was that okay? Nobody helped me, Get out of the way. And i didn't cry. And i didn't lie. I just looked at you. With a fake smile. You could love me. You really could. But you didn't. You left me alone. And then i cried. And then i lied. I left my world, Without any love. Someone will need you. Someone will shout. Listen to the scream. Help the people live. ♡ Inspired by "13 reasons why" Netflix series.