Тріолет 49. Моїй долі
Моя ти доленько кохана, Я виглядав тебе віки... Замайоріли рушники... З тобою, доленько кохана, Через терни й чагарники, Прорвемось, де весна вквітчана, Моя ти доленько кохана, Я виглядав тебе віки... Омріяна і довгождана, Печаль-журу мою зітри, Недоленьку огнем спали... Омріяна і довгождана, Од вроди ізгаса зірки... Барвиста чічко вишивана, Жоно моя ти довгождана, Печаль-зажуру ізітри... Неначе повінь та весняна, Зненацька взяла мене ти, Й в незнані понесла світи... Кохання повене весняна, В моєму серці розцвіти, Щоби душа, од щастя п'яна, Моя ти доленько кохана, Не просиналася віки...
2024-12-16 21:11:17
Схожі вірші
I Saw a Dream
I saw a dream, and there were you, And there was coldness in your eyes. I wonder what a kind of true Made you become as cold as ice. And later I looked back to get a sense This empty glance was hellish call of past. It used to be a high and strong defense Against the world, the pain and me at last. You looked at me, and peering in your soul, I felt so lonely, as something vital died. And that is what I fear most of all - That nothing gentle will remain inside. Inside of you. Inside of me as well. And nothing will be said to farewell.
Oh my love song
This is a song I wrote 2 years ago,it's not good but I had 1 day to prepare it for a project.I had to perform it with my friend violet,and it wasn't that bad. Oh my love what happend here,break me until I have no tears.Oh my love what happend here,you make me feel so sad and bad but in the end it's this and that.Oh my love what happend here,I cry and cry till the tears are dry.Oh my love,Oh my love.Ive waited long for you to come,I've waited for you to love me.Oh my love we had it all,but in the end we lost it all.Love can fade just like your life,love can hurt and burn until the ashes crash and turn.Oh my love our souls are connected,but why do i feel them drifting apart.Oh my love we dont have time,you will soon leave me all behind.Oh my love I always knew that in the end,our love would defend our hearts.I stare at the stars,and feel you watching me.Oh my love,I shouldn't love you,but I do.. Lillian xx