Her Smile
A Date
What's This
Where Is She
Is That Color Normal
The Funeral
Truth Be Told
You're With Him
Advice About Teas
I Love Her
Kiss The Girl
She Forgives Me
Bad Move Richie
It Just Came Out
What Will She Do
My House
Meet The Parent
It Just Came Out
The day started like any other. Sun was shining, me hoping I wouldn't trip over my shoelaces, and worrying if I looked good.

I had just regained some of my broken heart back, happy Richie was out of the picture.

What boiled my blood was the thought of Tessa getting another boyfriend. If it ain't me, then he's no good!

I was tired of having to love her from behind the scenes, tired of hiding from her. Damn it, I'm turning sappy again!

I twisted the watch at my wrist, the engraving on the back making my heart clench. I wanted to hold her, to kiss her, to tell her I loved her. But I can't...

I deserved it, but how long would I have to suffer before I could fix our relationship.

Tessa waves at me, a semblance of her old smile on her face. I'd have to do something about that first.

Once I saw her smile, really, truly smile, then I could build a plan to win her heart. Now, I'm not crazy, so no out of the world crap. I was going to woo her old fashion style, the flowers and all that other stuff.

I waved back, a huge grin stretching across my face. Tessa laughs, "Hey Thomas, what's got you in such a good mood?".

I race towards her, putting my hands on her waist. I pick her up, spinning us both around. I set her down, my arms sore, cause picking up something around one hundred and twenty pounds, and swinging it around is not easy kids. I smirk, "Nothing much!".

Her hair is a mess, golden locks everywhere, and a real smile on her blushing face. She twirls a perfect curl around a finger, "Let's go, class is about to begin.".

I nod, following behind her, her ringlets bouncing with every step.

I wanted to be cuddling with her, that same Hollywood hair on my shoulder as she laid her head on me. I wanted to see love written in those baby blues as she gazed at me. I wanted her hand in mine, swinging between us as we walked. I wanted to kiss those lips. I wanted to run to her and crush her to me. But I couldn't...

I muttered, "I still love you, Tessa.".

Tessa turns around, face blank and eyes searching, "Did you say anything?".

I shake my head, messing with my hair, "No, no, no, just utter nonsense. You know I always blurt things out. It's nothing.".

She mutters, totally unconvinced, "Alright...".

I whisper to myself quietly, "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Uggg, why did you say that out loud.".

I swear during my self-pity display I saw a small grin appear on Tessa's face...
© Jet L. Muskie,
книга «When The Joke Goes Too Far».