Types Of Supernaturals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Book 2 Coming Soon
Chapter 17
With every minute that had past, my nerves grew. I was getting more and more scared. I just wanted to get it over with. My heart was beating fast and I wished I didn't have to see him again but I had to. It was my responsibility to protect people from evil because that was what I had to do as a destined one. "We should be going now," my mum, said All of us got up and left the mansion.

We walked to the park which was pitch black, the only light was that of the moon, but it wasn't even enough to fully see the path under our feet. I kept walking forward even though I was frightened to death. I saw the vampire stood in front of the girl he looked even more terrifying in the moon light.

"Vicky go walk up to him by yourself," Bella said. That was easy for her to say, she wasn't the one putting her life in danger, she wasn't the one who got pulled into a storage cupboard and bitten.

"We will be standing close by. Nothing will happen to you, we won't let it happen," Nick reassured me.

"I know, I'm just scared," I said and then sighed. I walked forward, it felt as if I was walking in slow motion. Best just get this over and done with. There's nothing to be afraid of, your mum and friends are with you. I am strong, I am a destined one with magical powers. I am not completely helpless. I can stop him, I thought as I slowly put one foot in front of the other.

When I reached the vampire he was about to bite the girl but he stopped when he saw me. "Don't run," he ordered the girl and she stepped back. Her face told me she was absolutely petrified. I could tell that she wanted to run but she was too scared, that she knew she wouldn't be fast enough to get away, even if she tried.

"Good evening Vicktoria. Isn't it such a nice evening? What is it you want?" He asked me with a huge smile. Why was he being so nice to me after he had bitten me? I wouldn't forget that he was actually evil.

"I erm... I want ... to rule the world. I.. want to learn how to use my powers," I stuttered. I had never been good at lying.

"I knew you'd see sense," he said moving closer to me. I moved back, I didn't want to be anywhere near him but as I stepped back, he took a step forward.

"Stay away from me," I shouted.

"You're scared of me, that's wise but you can't keep running away from me," He said. "Why can't I move? Are you casting a spell on me, you stupid witch?"

"It's not me."

I looked behind him and saw Jane, Emma, and my mum behind him. "Did you think we would let you get away with attacking people?" Jane asked him.

"Who's behind me?" The vampire demands.

"Her mother and I am angry at what you have done, it is against the law to attack someone for blood and you hurt my daughter," my mum answered.

"Do I care that you're angry at me? You're pathetic. You expect vampires to stop being who they are, we are meant to drink blood. We're on top of the food chain, humans and animals should fear us."

"Vampires are humans and humans are animals. We're all living. No one deserves to be attacked, hurt or killed for their blood. No one should fear anyone we should all care for each other not destroy each other," Jane said.

"And you will pay for your crimes," my mum added.

"Send me to prison, I don't care it's not gonna make me regret anything. It's not gonna change me."

Emma disappeared along with the vampire. What? How? There was a quick flash and they were gone. I was amazed, could I learn to do that too? "How did she do that?" I asked.

"She's very powerful only a few witches can use that spell," my mum answered.

"Has she took him to prison? Do the police and the authorities know about supernatural people?"

"Yeah, of course, they do. They just keep it quiet so people don't get scared," I heard Bella say. I turned around and saw her and Nick.

"What are we going to do about her?" Nick asked, nodding at the girl who was now sat on the floor with her head in her hands crying.

"Vicky do you have the tanzanite with you?" Jane asked me.

"Yeah," I answered and kneeled down in front of her.

"Are you alright?" I ask her even though I know that she wasn't. I knew how frightened she was.

"He was a vampire wasn't he?" She asked looking up at me, even in the dark, you could tell that her eyes were red from crying.

I took out my jewel. I felt bad that I was about to make her forget her memories about what happened, but it had to be done. She could be haunted by them for the rest of her life; better to to forget than be frightened all the time. Sometimes I wished that I could forget, that I could go back to not knowing that I was a witch and a destined one but then I wouldn't have met Nick or made such incredible friends. I would have never known that I could do magic.

No matter how scared I was that I could die saving people, I still was happy that I had learnt about who I really was because it was just as exciting as it was terrifying.

"It wasn't a vampire."

"Don't lie I know it was. I know that they exist. My cousin's girlfriend is one and so are your friends, Bella and Nick," she said.

"What you know that we are vampires?" Bella asked.

"Don't worry I haven't told anyone. I have never been attacked by a vampire before. I knew there were evil vampires but I never came across one so I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I'm just so thankful that you came along but why did you say you wanted to join him in ruling the world?"

"I was lying. I was tricking him," I explained.

"That makes sense since I knew you couldn't be evil like him. You're too kind and friendly."

"We can make you forget about him if you want?" Nick asked, kindly sitting down next to me.

"I want to forget but it could happen again, and I wouldn't know what to do. I would just get frightened again," she said.

"It's up to you if you want to."

"I don't know because then I would forget that you saved me, and I don't want to forget that."

"Then we won't make you forget," I told her.

"We will walk you home," Nick said standing up.

"You don't have to, you've done enough for me already."

"We need to see you get home safe," I said and stood up also.

"Thank you." Nick helped her up. He really was nice. How could anyone even hate him?

"No problem," he said.

We started walking her back to her house, she told us every now and then which way to turn. It seemed to get darker as we walked. "I don't think I ever caught your name?" I asked a little nervous. I think I wasn't as shy as I was since all I had done from the first day I moved there was basically talk, but I was still nervous at talking to people. I had to ask her though so that I could stop referring to her as the girl.

"My name is Lily."

"It's nice to meet you, Lily."

"It's nice to meet you too Vicktoria, I just wish we met in a different way," she said. "Anyway this is my house so see you at school." She lived in a detached house. It was three storeys high and had a huge back garden or should I say field.

"Goodnight," I said.

"'Night." She went in her house.

The five of us walked back to the mansion, to find that Emma was already there. She let us in when we arrived her cleaners and workers had gone home. "He is in prison, I don't think he will be attacking anyone else for a long time," she said. "Is that girl alright?"

"Yeah, she's fine. We walked her home," I replied.

"That is good."

"I think that we should all get off home. You three have school in the morning," Jane said.

"Alright good night," Emma said.

"Goodnight, Emma.

When we had all said goodbye we left.

As we walked through the forest my fear started to get to me so I started speeding up. I just wanted to get out of it as soon as possible.

"Vicky, slow down please," mum called after me as she tried to keep up.

"I'm sorry but I can't. I need to get out of here," I said.

"Okay, I'm just struggling to keep up," she told me.

Finally, when I got home I made a chicken salad sandwich for me and mum. Then we went to bed once we had eaten them.

 Everyone was safer now with the vampire behind bars. We had been able to save Lily. I felt pleased that I was able to help people like I was meant to, but I had to learn how to do magic if I was going to carry on protecting people. I was a witch so I should have no problem in casting spells. I opened my book of shadows and began to read it. Eventually, I fell to sleep with it in my hands and it was a peaceful, restful sleep something I hadn't had in a long time.
© C A Quinn,
книга «The Village: Book 1».