Types Of Supernaturals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Book 2 Coming Soon
Chapter 6
The night before I laid in bed, with my thoughts all over the place. Nick seemed very nice to me, and he did to the head teacher and Kaitee, so I couldn't understand why the ghost woman told me to stay away. Was it because he would lead me to the danger she was talking about or did she hate him like some people in the town? Because he didn't look dangerous at all to me.

How could I cause the bus to move with just a shiver? And why did I shiver when I saw the farm and why did it seem so familiar to me when it wasn't?

None of it made any sense. I wanted answers to the questions that kept repeating their selves in my head.

"Are you okay?" My mum asked, clearly concerned as to why I was so quiet this morning. It was normal for me to be extremely quiet at school but at home not so much.

"I'm fine. Are you?" I replied.

"I'm a good and happy birthday," she said. "I will give you your present later after school." She looked sceptical of my answer, but she didn't want to dwell on it because she knew I would tell her if something really was wrong.

"Thank you mum," I replied.

"Are you catching the bus so you can go to school with your friends or do you want me to drive you?" I had told her yesterday after school that I was making friends. She was really overjoyed when I told her.

"I'll catch the bus," I said finishing my breakfast. I got up and got my school bag.

"Bye Mum."

"Bye honey, have a good day."

"Will do. You too," I said and left.

At the bus stop I saw the two girls again but this time they didn't smile at me. "Why are you hanging around Nick for? He's a freak." The brown haired girl asked.

"Why is he a freak exactly?" I asked feeling annoyed. How could they tell me who to hang out with?

"Because he is weird and you will see why he is a freak."

"I don't know Cassie maybe she's a freak too. I mean we don't really know anything about her," the blonde said to her friend.

"She doesn't seem like it. She seems cool," she replied.

"Well she won't be if she keeps being all buddy, buddy with Nick," the other said.

"True," her friend agreed.

"Just stop hanging with him you can make friends with normal people," The other girl said just as the bus arrived. Why did they have to be so horrible to him? He had been very kind to me. I was beginning to hate some of the people here. They went on and so did I.

I saw that Kaitee was on so I went to go sit next to her. "Good morning," I said.

"Good morning," she replied. "I heard that you were having a conversation with Nick in maths."

"Yes, why? And he didn't seem to be very quiet to me," I said.

"No reason and I doubt he is quite. I just don't think that he likes talking to some people that much." So that meant he liked talking to me but why? He didn't even know me.

The bus passed the farm again before stopping at the bus stop and Nick and Bella came on. People gave them the same looks as before. Nick stopped next to me.

"Hey, Vick how are you this fine morning?" He asked me. Who even spoke like that? Maybe he was a bit weird.

"I'm good, thank you. Are you?" I replied.

"I'm good. Have people been telling you to stop talking to me because I'm a freak yet?"

"Some people," I answered.

"Thought so," he said slightly nodding his head.

"Nick let's go sit down," Bella said. Nick followed her to the back seats and they sat down.

My first lesson of the day was music and I was happy to find that Kaitee and Nick were in my class. When I and Kaitee entered Nick was already sat down at a desk by himself. "Come on, I want to introduce you to one of my friends," Kaitee said leading me to a desk where a girl with ginger hair sat.

"This is Jessica. Jess this is Vicky the new girl," she spoke introducing me.

"Hi Vicky," Jessica said as we sat down.

"Hi," I mumbled, nervously.

"Everyone settle down now. We are starting a new unit today and it requires everyone to work in groups. You will have to practice a song to perform at the school concert in the hall. So can everyone get into groups please," the teacher said. Everyone started to move to their friends' tables.

"Nick, why are you not in a group?" She asked.

"Well I don't have any friends so no one will want me in their group," he replied.

"I'm sure Kaitee won't mind if you join her group. Kaitee will you let Nick in your group?"

"Of course I will," Kaitee replied.

"There you go, you have a group now." Nick picked up his bag and came to sit down at our table.

"Hi Nick," Jess said.


"We need to decide what instruments we're playing and who is singing," Kaitee pointed out.

"I'm playing the drums," Jess said even before she had finished speaking.

"We don't even know what instrument Vicky plays yet. Can you play an instrument?" Kaitee said firmly. 

"I can play the guitar," I said. I had been playing since I was five years old.

"So we have drums a keyboard and two guitarists. I don't think that would sound too right we need a bass," Kaitee said, looking deep in thought and a little annoyed.

"I play bass too," Nick said.

"Then we have enough instruments for a band." She sounded happier now.

"Awesome then let's get started," Jess said eagerly, she couldn't wait to start playing the drums.

"Okay, calm down Jess. We will have to go to the practice room. It's a little too noisy in here now, " Kaitee pointed out. We all got up and went to the store cupboard and found what we needed. Then went to the teacher.

"Can we use the practice rooms please?" I asked her.

"Yes of course as long as you leave it as you found it but I know I can trust you four," She answered handing me the key.

"Thank you," Jessica said and then we left the classroom.

We entered a smaller room next door it had amps and a drum kit. Jess skipped to it and leapt in the seat. The rest of us took the three normal school chairs. Nick started to examine the bass. "This bass is really crap. I wish I brought mine."

"Stop complaining because that is the best bass you will find in this school," Jessica told him.

"We need a singer," Kaitee pointed out.

"Do we have to?" Jess asked.

"Well do you really want us to do just an instrumental?" Kaitee asked her.


"Then we need a singer."

"I have my hands full with the drums and I'm not a great singer," Jess said as she held the drumsticks in the air and waved them.

"I can't sing. Can you sing Vicky?" Kaitee asked me.

"I don't know." I was okay at singing but not great.

"Sing something, " she asked.

I picked the first song that came into my head. It was Ed Sheeran's song 'Lego House'. I sang the chorus nervously as I hated singing and performing in front of people.

"Wow, will you sing?" She said impressed.

"Am I really that good of a singer?" I wondered.

"You have an amazing voice," Nick replied.

"Thank you but I will be too nervous to sing by myself."

"Nick can sing?" Jess said. Could he really? I would like to hear him sing, I thought.

"Yes, he can. Will you sing with Vicky?"

"Sure," he answered and Kaitee smiled.

We practised playing our instruments in time with each other. It sounded amazing obviously not as amazing as real bands because they had been playing together a lot longer.

"Sorry to interrupt but the lesson is finishing so can you put everything away?" The teacher said from the doorway.

"Okay Miss, we forgot to keep an eye on the time," Kaitee apologised and then we unplugged the instruments and amps. Then we took the instruments back to the storage cupboard. Once we did that everyone was beginning to leave the room for the next lesson so we did the same.
© C A Quinn,
книга «The Village: Book 1».