Types Of Supernaturals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Book 2 Coming Soon
Chapter 8
School had finished for the day. Now I was about to walk into the library and it was huge considering it was just a small town library. The structure was held up by pillars and wood, just like other old buildings.

There weren't many people inside. They also had so many books that I glanced at, and I read some of the titles as I walked past. Nick sat at a round table reading a book. I walked over to him. When I reached the table he looked up at me and smiled.

"Are we early?" I asked, sitting down next to him.


"How long have you been here? Did you even go home for your tea?" I asked him.

"Of course I did," he answered.

"What you reading anyway?" I asked.

"Some book about angels. I just picked it up off that shelve because I was bored."

"Well is it any good?"

"It's alright," he answered.

"Hey, guys," Jess said sitting down. Kaitee followed her.

"Hey, Jessie," Nick said back.

"Don't call me that."

"Why?" He wondered.

"Because I don't like it. It sounds horrible."

"I like that name."

"Well I don't so don't call me it, Nicolas," she shouted.

"Okay, I won't call you it. There is no need to get angry."

"I'm not angry, just don't call me it," she said.

"If you promise not to call me Nicolas again."

"Okay," she agreed.

We start talking about the concert and what song we could play. In the end, we decided that we should write our own song so that we would get marks for originality. We assigned each other different jobs. Nick and I had to write the lyrics because we were better at English. Jess and Kaitee were in charge of creating the music.

"I've never written lyrics before," I pointed out.

"I'm sure you'll be good at it. It's pretty much like writing a poem and story," Nick said.

"And besides you have Nick helping and he is amazing at writing," Kaitee added.

"I wouldn't say amazing," Nick said.

"Shouldn't we be getting going? The library will be closing soon," Jess asked us.

"Yeah we do," Kaitee answered.

"I need the toilet first," I said.

"Alright, we'll wait for you outside," Kaitee said and then they left the library. I went to the toilet.

I was on my way out when a woman told me that that the library was closing."I know I was just about to leave," I started turning around to face the woman and my heart felt as if it stopped. It was the ghost from the school toilets.

"You ignored my warning. I said stay away from Nick now you are putting yourself in danger," she said sounding disappointed.

"Why am I in danger?" I demanded.

"You are a destined one, meaning you must fight against evil to protect innocent people but because of this, some people will want you dead including the evil ones. If you make friends with Nick you will get dragged into this because he is the other destined. Together you have immense power but I don't want to see you get hurt so stay away from him," she said and then walked away instead of vanishing this time."

I carried on walking to meet my friends outside. "The library is closing, love," the woman behind the desk said.

"I know the other librarian told me."

"What librarian? I'm the only librarian." She looked at me quizzically like she thought I was crazy. The woman must have been a ghost all along.

"It must have been a visitor then. I just assumed she worked but I was wrong," I said and ran outside.

"What's up, Vicky, you look like you've seen a ghost?" Jess asked me.

"I'm fine. Ghost don't exist."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. You never know what exists without you know since you can't prove that they don't," Nick said.

"He has a point," Kaitee agreed. "Nick why don't you and Jess walk home together as you both live the same way and I'll walk with Vicky.

"You sure that the both of you will be okay walking home, it's getting very dark now? I can walk you home."

"We'll be fine."

"Alright, if you're sure."

"I'm sure."

"Goodbye, see you two tomorrow," Jess said.

 "See you later." Nick and Jess turned and walked home. Kaitee and I walked in the opposite direction. When I got home I would get answers from my mum. I would get her to tell me the real reason why we moved here. I needed answers and I was determined to get them.
© C A Quinn,
книга «The Village: Book 1».