Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 13

Last night I had my mum help me with the spells and for a little while this morning before Emilee got here.

There came a knock at the door. "I'll get it,"I stated and got up from the the seat. Then headed towards the door and once I reached it I opened it. There stood Emilee and her mum.

"Hi," I said smiling. It was good to see my best friend again. I missed her.

"Hi," she replied smiling also and then she hugged me.

"Ok I better be going. You girls have fun and I'll be back tomorrow morning," her mum said.

"Ok bye mum," Emilee said.

"Bye."Her mum walked back to her car and Emilee came inside. I shut the door.

She said hello to my mum who was moving everything from the table so that Emilee wouldn't see them and start asking questions and then turned to me. "Shall we go walk around the the town?"

That didn't seem like a good idea because of my vision but I hadn't told her about everything yet.

Although, we didn't know when my vision would take place so it probably might not happen today. But it's still best to be careful, I thought.

"I was thinking maybe we can hang here, up in my room and watch some DVDs," I suggested.

"We can do that later. Please Vicky let me explore this little village town more. It's so beautiful, I want see it," she begged me with big pleading eyes. They were so puppy dog like I couldn't bring myself to say no.

I sighed and said, " Okay."

She smiled and we got ready to go out. As I was leaving I checked my phone for signal. I hadn't had any all morning but it looked like it had decided to come back. There was only one bar but it was enough. I sent a message to Nick asking him to meet us at Samuel bargains. The small second hand DVD and book store. If anything did happen I would need back up. I just hoped he received it.

As we walked Emilee looked in every possible direction she could taking in as much as her surroundings as possible. We was coming up to the street of shops now. "Let's go look at DVDs and Books," I told her and she turned to face me.

"OK," she replied and followed me in the direction of the shop.

I had found some DVDs and books I liked the look of so I was queuing up. Well if you can class it as a queue because there was only one person in front of me and they were being served. Anyway, I told Emilee to wait for me and she said she would. The customer muttered a thank you and walked out. I approached the counter to buy my items.

After buying them I said thank you and turned around.

I couldn't see Emilee!

Frantically I looked around until I came to the conclusion she was gone. Emilee had gone but how? I had only been queuing for a minute. How can a person possible get very far in such a short space of time?

Surely she must still be here somewhere, I thought.

"Emilee," I called out to her, hoping that she answered. She didn't. If it hadn't before, panic was now beginning to set in.

There's no need to panic, Vicky. She might have just gone outside, I told myself and bolted out the shop, bumping into a display as I went. I mumbled ouch and carried on out the door.

The sound of the door closing was accompanied by a not so pleasing or reassuring sound. The noise was loud and filled with terror. Please don't let that be Em, I thought. I was in so much panic that I hadn't heard him approach me.

"Vicky are you alright? Did you hear that scream?" He asked me making me jump. I turned to face Nick. He looked worried too.

"I think it's Emilee," I blurted out. I did want to talk. I wanted to find Emilee and save her before it was too late.

He nodded at me and said, "it sounded like it came from around there," pointing around the corner to a little alleyway. Then he ran off in that direction. I ran after him but of course I was much slower. He would get to her long before me but that was fine. All I wanted was someone to safe and for her to be okay.

When I got there I saw Emilee aghast and pressed up against the wall, trying to stay as far away as possible from Nick.

"Stay away from me," Emilee yelled.

I walked further into the alleyway. "Emilee wait. Please listen to me," I begged her.

"He's a vampire, Vicky. Did you know he's one of them?" She questioned me.

"Yes, I knew he was a vampire," I replied.

"You're going out with a monster," she assumed.

"Now, that is highly insulting," Nick said. "I am not a monster. I'm just as much of a human as you and Vick."

"I'm not stupid. I know what a Vampire is. They drink blood and prey on humans and are as far from human as you can get," she stated still a little afraid to look at him or get too close.

"I drink blood yes," Nick agreed and was about to say something else before Emilee cut him off.

"So you kill humans for blood?" She asked him.

"I have never killed anyone and I hope to never do such a thing," he replied with clear hurt in his voice.

Emilee scowled in confusion then asked him, "How do you feed then?"

"There's so much that I need to explain to you Em but you've got to trust me; Nick isn't anything like those vampires that attacked you. He is a good Vampire, like a lot of others," I answered in stead in a disparate attempt to get her to listen to reason.

"Really? How you know you're not blind by your feelings for him? You've watched those movies and read the books so you know that they aren't human even if they look it. They are soulless dead monsters and we are their main food source. I know you aren't one of those dumb girls from those stories who fall for vampires and trust them so don't let your heart cloud your mind. Don't let it take over your judgement,"she told me firmly.

"I'm just going to pretend that you didn't just call me a soulless walking corpse," Nick muttered to himself.

"He saved your life Em. If he was such a heartless monster do you really think he would have saved you?" I asked her.

"He could have an hidden motive for all I know," she pointed out. This was going to take some work to get her to listen and accept it.

"You do something good from the heart. Do something selfless just because you care a lot and that's the thanks you get. Insults," Nick muttered again.

"What so you actually saved me because you cared if they were going to kill me?" Emilee asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"Well I have a hard time believing that," she stated crossing her arms.

"Well believe me when I say that Nick wont hurt you. Do you think that I'd let my heart cloud my mind with false trust? No, I know him and I know he would never hurt you or anyone. When I first found out what he was I a little sceptical, but he never once tried to hurt me, plus he did help save my life. I got to know him and I knew that I could trust him with my life and I know you can trust him too," I told her.

"Fine, I trust you Vicky. Only because you're my best friend. But if he ever tries to drink my blood I won't hesitate to stake him," she said unfolding her arms.

"Okay, Thank you," I said now feeling a lot a calmer.

"Okay, so tell me everything," she demanded.

"Not out here. Let's go back to the cottage and I'll tell you everything, I promise." I thought it would be better to carry on this conversation were it was a little more private.

"Alright," she said.

Then the three of us headed back to my house. I wish she hadn't found out this way, but at least she will know now. No more secrets between us, I thought as we stepped out of the alleyway and turned down the street.
© C A Quinn,
книга «Love and Lycans: Book 2».