Grave Situation
A School Full Of Terror
The Reunion
A Plan It Is
Don't Forget About Me...
Rest In Peace, Brother
One Of Us
Chin Up And Face It All
The Door Between Us
Broken Memories
Home Sweet Home...
Away From The City
The Conclusion To A Mad Day
Meetings At The Farm
Everything Is Fine
Heart-Wrecking Situation
The Drug-Store Crew!
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
The Pharmacy
Away, At All Costs...
Back To School!
In A Rush...!
Tainted World
A Deal?
Ray Of Hope?
Bandit Business
Behind The Door
The Bold and Skinned Truth
No Other Way
The End Of A Storm
Heart-Wrecking Situation
After the farm incident, Aiden, Grace, David and his family had been on the road since. Two days after that they had finally reached Macon. It was the 4th of October 2018. "Looks... Peaceful." Aiden pointed out as he walked beside David who was holding a pistol in his hand as both of them checked their surroundings. They were surrounded by abandoned stores with broken glass and doors left and right. Disabled cars had been left behind in the sides of the road and walker bodies laid on the ground scattered here and there. "It is, for now..." David said in a low voice. Grace was walking down behind them with Danny and Olivia. "Don't jinx it." Grace said herself. "You're right. We might as well grab some gas, food and leave." The grown man replied. "Hey what's that noise?" Aiden said as he stopped walking for a second. Only seconds after the teenager asked a tenfold of walkers, maybe more, appeared from the alleys and stores. "Fuck! Walkers!" David shouted. "But we didn't even make any noise!" Grace said pulling a hammer out of her back pocket. "They're too many!" Aiden shouted attacking one of the walkers close by. David started shooting down some walkers and Grace hammered one's head. "We're going to attract to much attention with this much noise!" Aiden pointed out. "What do you want me to do man!?" David replied as he continued shooting. "AAAAAHHH!" Danny's screams were heard as a walker fell on top of him and tried to bit him. "You fucker!" David said shooting the monster who was attacking his son. "Oh my God we need to get out of here!" Olivia shouted as she picked up her son. "Come on we don't have much time!" A brown haired woman with a gun said as she slid open the iron-bar door to a shop close to them and started shooting at the walkers. A man wearing a hat and a leather jacket followed from behind her as he opened firs himself. "QUICKLY GET IN!" The woman implied and the group did as she ordered to.

As soon as the 7 of them entered the shop they locked the door behind them so they could stay safe. "What the hell were you thinking?! We can't risk our lives for a bunch of people you know!" A black haired woman with brown eyes said looking furious. "What do you want me to do?! Leave them to die like that?!" The woman from before replied in the same tone. "Why do we care about these assholes?!" A tall and overweight old man with a balding and a big nose said. "We have a kid!" David stepped up and said irritated. "This is about fucking survival!" The black haired woman threw back. "Just because there are fucking monsters roaming out there doesn't mean we have to lose our humanity too!" Aiden stepped up. "Yeah he's right! If you're gonna be like that maybe you should go join them! You'll have something in common!" David spit out. "Holy. Shit!" The old man said looking at Olivia who was wiping off the blood from Danny's face. "One of them is bitten!" He continued. "He wasn't bitten!" Grace shouted out. "Like hell he wasn't!" The tall man said "We have to end this kid now!" He continued as he started walking towards Olivia and Danny. "Over my dead fucking buddy old man!" David said stepping between his family and the crazy old man. "There's no bite on him I swear! I'm cleaning him up now!" Olivia pointed out looking scared. "DON'T YOU FUCKING GET IT! If we let someone who is bitten stay, we will end up dead!" The frenzied man pointed out. "I don't like where this is going Aiden..." Grace said grabbing her friend's sleeve. "We've got to smash his head in! Otherwise we're all fucked!" The man continued. "DAVID PLEASE STOP HIM!" Olivia shouted. "I'm gonna kill him Oli! Just worry about Danny!" David said. "Nobody is doing anything!" The black haired woman shouted. "Shut up Linda! Everybody shut the fuck up! Throw him the fuck out before he turns and eats us all!" The old man continued. "That's his son old man!" Aiden pointed out. "Look around you little dumbass! I've got my daughter in here you've got YOUR girlfriend in here!" He replied. "We've all got people in here! But we don't have to go around killing people just because we have someone to protect! There IS another way!" Aiden said. "Yeah there is! With a fucking shovel!" The man continued. David looked at the man with killing intent and then at Aiden. "NO! Don't you dare touch that boy! You don't touch anybody! I've got a person I want to protect in here too. You want to get violent you old fuck?! THEN COME ON!" The black haired teenager said stepping between him and David. "AHHHH!" Grace started shouting when suddenly a walker broke down the door of the bathroom next to her while she walked away from Aiden moments ago and grabbed her foot. "Get away from her you motherfucker!" Aiden said as he ran towards her and the creature. The black haired boy grabbed the monster with his hands and slammed it onto the world. The walker grabbed Aiden back and tried to bite his neck but the blue eyed boy resisted by pushing it back. The sound of a gun opening fire and the Walker's body hitting the floor where the next two sounds that were heard after that. Aiden looked at the one who shot the beast. It was the brown haired woman from before. The loud noises from inside the store couldn't help but attract attention of the monsters that were roaming outside. The door started to get pounded from outside as well as the windows. "Everybody get down and stay quiet!" Aiden said whispering as loud as he could. Everyone followed his lead and crouched behind the shelves with the magazines. "Why are we hiding...?" Grace asked. "Didn't you see what happened out there? Some of the walkers can actually see us." Aiden replied. "Oh my God..." She spelled out.

"I think we're clear..." The man with the leather jacket said as he got up after the pounding had stopped, which was about two minutes after. "Thank God..." David said as he followed everyone else and got up himself. "WE ALMOST DIED BECAUSE OF THAT FUCKING BITCH AND HER GODDAMN GUN! THAT WAS-" Suddenly the old man stopped talking and inhaled deeply with one hand on his heart. "Argh..." He let out a sigh of pain and fell to the ground.
© Nikos PD,
книга «Until The End Of The World (Completed)».
The Drug-Store Crew!
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